Read onlyHello ,
Amazon deactivated our seller accounts because of Amazon Pay Account which we are not using it.
When i called them they said Anazon Pay account team deactivated our seller accout then we sent email to amazon pay account team they said they are not able to find my account with provided email.
Even we received email from amazon pay account on same email but still they are replying they are not able to find my email , even we received emails from amazon on same email address.
We are helpless now, i do not know what to do now. They are saying first reinstate amazon pay account then seller account reinstate but we are unable to login our amazon pay account because we did not used it since started.
We are hopeless now. Is there anyone who can help us. Please advise what to do now?
Please help me , i have provided all the proof by email but still not able to login our amazon pay account. Please hel us , it is humble request to Amazon Team.
Thanks and Regards,
Hello @Seller_8gNFLbO4Qkv81
Thanks for your post. My name is Oliver and I want to help you with your suspended account. You explain that your seller account is blocked due to the relation with the Amazon Pay Account.
The process is exactly as you wrote: first reinstate amazon pay account then seller account reinstate. If you can't access Amazon Pay account anymore, then please send an email from the Amazon Pay email to to explain what went wrong with the amazon pay account.
Only if the block on Amazon Pay can be solved do you have a chance to reactivate the seller central account.
Hello @Seller_8gNFLbO4Qkv81
This is Maxie from Amazon.
I'm sorry to read that you still have received no answer.
Unfortunately, our team does not have access to your account nor direct contact to the amazon pay team. Therefore, we can only asist you with the steps you have to take, as my colleagues have previously done.
We have been informed that the team responsible, at have a long queue and therefore answer requests rather slowly.
Unfortunately, we can only advice you here to continue to have patience and wait for a reply.
Kind regards,
Hi Maxie,
I got the answer from amazon seller support but i think there is no one wants to look my matter sorry to say this, i am writing and reaching everyone in amazon regarding my account but noone wants to help.
I got this email from amazon seller support which is not correct, I am genuine seller with all the legal documents in Germany and still facing this problem.
this message i got from amazon seller support:
Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,
Unfortunately, I was unable to relate a selling account for the e-mail address from which you've written ax.waxxxxb100 at xxxxcom.
And amazon seller support told me on call issue with this account and which is related to amazon pay account. Now tell me what i can do ? I have all the genuine documents and i am legally register here in germany and living here , please look into my matter or forward to any senior or any department. Please it is humble request to help me to reactivate my account. Our selling is completely stop.
Please help us.
Ar Razzaaq
Hello @Seller_8gNFLbO4Qkv81
It's me again, Oliver.
I see you got a reply saying your email couldn't be matched to a selling account.
Please make sure to send the email from the email you used to create the Amazon Pay account.
Also, it is important that the Amazon Pay data, such as the seller website is up to date.
Then send a new email.
Have a good day
Hi Oliver ,
It is the same email , even i sent all the proof.
I did not used any other email, this is the same email i used for amazon pay account.
Could you please tell me how i can login my amazon pay account ? could you please share the login link of amazon pay account.
Thank you
Hello @Seller_8gNFLbO4Qkv81
it's me again, Oliver.
I can't post the URL, but searching with "amazon pay" in search machines, you should find it easily.
Try to login to the page with the email you used when registering for amazon pay.
All the best
Hi Oliver,
I am using the same email but i am not able to login it says There was a problem
We cannot find an account with that e-mail address
I think it is not possible to account get back. I tired everything but still no positive response from amazon seller support and no one able to look this matter. I am using same email which i used to make account for amazon pay account. I have given all the registration email and everything but still it says
There was a problem
We cannot find an account with that e-mail address
Could you please tell me how i can get my funds now, i think it is not possible to get account now. I want to withdraw my fund. It seems my amazon selling journey ended up and there is no hope to get back my account.
Thanks for your support , Please help me to get my fund back.
Ar Razzaaq
You can see this is the registration email of amazon pay account which i received when i made account on amazon pay account with the email adress al.waxxxxb1xx at gmail dot com
then how it says
There was a problem
We cannot find an account with that e-mail address
I am 110 % sure and correct i made account with this email adress and seller support also confirm on call also. You can look also now this email i have all the evidence which i sent to amazon team but still no response nothing
Hi @Seller_8gNFLbO4Qkv81,
This is Gala again - sorry for all your trouble.
May I ask if you replied to the Amazon Pay team after receiving their response?
Did you try to login with another browser? I'd also suggest to delete cookies in your browser and then try again to login. Sometimes there might be tech issues.
Let us kindly know about any updates. I'd also suggest to speak again with team to indicate you further steps how to reinstate both accounts.
Maybe you can also add your phone number in the e-mail to request a call.
All the best,
Hi Gala,
Thanks for your reply. I have tried more than 5 browser and all browser same error.
I have send 3 emails to same email address but no reply, it is almost 3 months now. I have tried everything but still they are not reply even nobody bother to see my issue i have explain every email with all the screenshot , Now i do not know what option left only the option left i can write to Jeff Bezos if i have his email adress to be honest.
If you have any option, tell me i will try again. And please guide how i can get my fund back now. I do not have any hope with amazon seller team.
Ar Razzaaq
Hello @Seller_8gNFLbO4Qkv81
it's me again, Ollie.
If your account is not reactivated following an appeal or you choose not to appeal the deactivation, after 90 days from when your account was deactivated, you may separately request funds disbursement by contacting
Have a good day
Hi Ollie,
Thanks for your reply. Its more than 100 days now. I have already requested for funds but still not received it. Could you please tell me what to do now ?
Ar Razzaaq
You can join us in a class action lawsuit against Amazon if they hold your money and you sent the goods or if there are indications that they discriminate against you for trading on the platform.