Hello, @Angie_Amazon @Winston_Amazon @Simon_Amazon @Abella_AMZ @Julia_Amazon @Sakura_Amazon_ @Glenn_Amazon, @Manny_Amazon, @Nano_Amazon, @Josh_Amazon @Atlas_Amazon @Michelle_Amazon @Rose_Amazon, @Jon_Amazon @Roberto_Amazon @Cooper_Amazon @Joey_Amazon
I am seeking advice and support to resolve a Trademark Text Misuse notice issued to my account on November 27. I would greatly appreciate any guidance from experienced sellers or Amazon support representatives regarding the situation. Here are the key details and questions:
I received a Trademark Text Misuse notice for allegedly infringing the PURINA trademark.
The notice affected the following ASINs: B00P9XB1YC, B07RB8VVVH, B08B1KWSFH
Of these listings, only two (B00P9XB1YC and B07RB8VVVH) sell PURINA-branded merchandise. The last product under the Bonio brand.
All of the affected notices list sub-brands in the “brand” column rather than the main TMs under which the product is sold.
Not all sellers were removed from the listings, so it is unclear why my account was sanctioned given that we are not even the creators of these listings.
Key issues and questions:
How did we receive a trademark text misuse notice for listings that do not mention the PURINA trademark directly or indirectly?
Could the problem arise from improper branding in the “brand” column of these ads?
Since we are not the creators of these ads, we cannot make corrections to the brand column. Can Amazon update the brand column ahead of time to reflect the exact owner of the PURINA and BONIO brand?
I believe this situation may involve intentional misbranding on the part of the ad creator to exploit trademarks and eliminate competition. Any advice on how to effectively address this issue, especially with Amazon support, would be extremely helpful.
Thanks for your help!