Read onlyi received negative feedback for order cancelled by the buyer who is overseas and the feedback had nothing to do with an item that I sell
You are allowed to contact the buyer (once) to explain and ask that they consider removing the feedback.
If you do make this contact, you should include a link for the buyer to take them to their Completed Feedback page. Unfortunately there is no simple step by step way to get to that page. You have to go through your own order history to find it
This is the link your would need to provide the buyer
If the entire feedback is a product review, then you can ask Amaozn to remove it.
Hello @Seller_ZNgOp8OKB4UdP
Thank you for posting your inquiry to the Forums.
To request feedback removal, you can navigate to the Feedback Manager in Seller Central. In the Recent Feedback table, next to the specific Order ID, select Request removal under the Actions column.
If you need additional assistance on this concern, please feel free to provide the related case ID number to this thread and I can review the correspondence already provided.
Amazon allows this all the time. I've had them write comments like "why" and 2 others gave me neutrals. Neutrals take 3 points away from us. Buyers should get in touch with seller to voice their problem and give sellers a chance to rectify situation. Amazon needs to be dealt with legally as they are allowing buyers to injure seller's records. They don't care about sellers and do nothing to help with delusional buyers.