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Common Violations found on the Account Health page
by Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr
Amazon replied

Intellectual Property complaints

These kinds of violations are typically grouped into two distinct categories: Suspected and Received. The primary difference between these two is the origin of the complaint.

  1. Suspected complaints are usually system generated and typically require edits to the listing to remove any infringing content.
  2. Received Intellectual Property complaints are more complicated. They usually originate when a rights owner makes a direct complaint about that particular listing to Amazon. As a result, the appeal path will vary depending on the violation sub reason. The most commonly seen reasons are:

  • Counterfeit
  • Counterfeit without a Test Buy
  • Trademark
  • Copyright
  • Patent complaints.

Since the appeal path will vary so much depending on the type of violation that is present, it is important to note that when creating posts in the Forums to address these kinds of violations, as much information that can be provided will be requested from Selling Partners by our moderator team. When addressing Intellectual Property complaints, Selling Partners will need to demonstrate they have authorization to sell the product.

Authenticity Complaints

Product Authenticity Customer Complaints, Product Condition Customer Complaints, and Food and Safety Issues violations would fall under the realm of the authenticity of the product. While there are nuances to the appeal paths, generally speaking, an invoice verifying the authenticity of the product affected by any violations will be needed to successfully appeal these kinds of violations. Additional steps may be required based on the sub reason for the violation. For this reason, as much detail about the violation itself would be requested.

Restricted Products

When a listing is believed to not be sellable on the platform, it will likely incur a Restricted Products violation. These can be very nuanced, but they will also typically have the most information given to Selling Partners regarding how to address them. From the violation itself, on the left side of the page under the “Reason” column, there is often a “Review policy” link. By clicking on this drop down, Sellers are able to see which of the policies the listing is believed to have violated. There will be a description of what policy has been breached as well as a link to the actual policy itself. From there, Selling Partners can begin to formulate their response to the violation.

Typically, the dispute path would be utilised in this instance, as Selling Partners will want to demonstrate how their listings are within compliance with the relevant policy from which the violation was derived. This may include actions such as editing triggering keywords from the listing and providing evidence that the product is compliant with the flagged policy or that the violation was incurred in error.

Policy Violation Warnings

Policy Violation Warnings are located at the very bottom of the violation box and are separated from the other categories by a “View All” hyperlink. This separation from the other violation categories can cause this section to be overlooked. However, if violations do appear in this category, they would still need to be addressed in a timely manner, as they generally will impact the AHR score.

While the other violation types will typically fall into one overall generalised category, Policy Violation Warnings can be quite different from each other. As such, there is a wide variance in terms of both the impact on the AHR score (and, by default, overall Account Health) as well as the scope of the violations themselves. Therefore, it is highly recommended to provide the exact violation verbiage as well as any corresponding performance notifications when asking for assistance. This way, our moderators will have a better understanding of the exact issue and will be able to provide better guidance when assistance is requested.


While there are other violations that can appear on the Account Health page, these are the most common violations that Selling Partners will see that will likely affect their AHR score. When addressing the types of violations that have been described, the information provided will need to have a purpose behind the submission. The goal for Selling Partners when addressing Intellectual Property violations would be to show that they have authorization to sell the product. For authenticity complaints, Selling Partners are looking to establish that the item in question is an authentic item that is accurately depicted on the Product Detail Page. For restricted products, Selling Partners will want to establish that no deviation from policy is taking place.

Because each violation will face its own unique challenges, this guide is by no means an all-inclusive checklist to address listing issues but rather a high-level view of the violations themselves and how they can be addressed. Selling Partners are always welcome and encouraged to contact our Account Health team for further assistance when addressing these violations.

Further information can also be found here:

Intellectual Property Policy for Sellers

Respond to an intellectual property (IP) policy violation

Amazon product authenticity and quality

Product Quality and Authenticity Policy compliance

Restricted Products

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UK VAT Bunsiess establishment verification"
by Seller_rYaynGyYvlvEY


We have a shareholder and want to add him as a beneficial owner in the seller central but there is a confusion needs clearification.

Is there any issue if we add our shareholder in the seller Central with the same address on which they have another Amazon account but on his wife's name?

After this can get the UK busniess establishment verified?


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account deactivated
by Seller_7bNzTnVHej5x5

heya, i recieved an email that my account has been deactivated because you have another account but i appeal them that i use to have before opening this account i deleted my old account and now that account is deleted when i logged in to that account i cant access to that dashboard but my appeal didnt accepted i appealed 4 times and nothing happened every time i received a same reply what i can do now to get my account reactivated

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Missing BSR rank for a Best seller
by Seller_gyUxgkx6yZNey

Hello Simon_Amazon, Ezra_Amazon, Julia_Amzn,

Our ASIN is a #1 best seller and has been for 2 years, our BSR has disappeared, we are still in the correct category but we do not have a rank at all, we contacted support and waiting for this to be fixed, its costing us massively.

I was wondering if you can get this escalated or fixed please?

Current cases: 10035595222, 10035544582,

Many thanks,

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I have now had my Amazon account well over 120 days. I have looked online and it states clearly that your account may be held ‘up to’ 90 days and as long as no chargebacks or a-z claims your account would be good. I have £8000 currently tied into the account they won’t release it and I just go round and round in circles in support they never answer why and they don’t disperse the funds every fortnight my statement is 0.00. I’m getting really angry so angry in fact I have decided to take them to the small court in the uk to retrieve my money. I obviously need this as it’s my job and I need to pay bills and to live and to continue my business itself. Why don’t they answer? It’s basically criminal I have a good mind to file for distress as well with the Police. Any thoughts or advice?

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I have recieved an email stating i have another account of the same name which has violated a policy, and so amazon have suspended my account.

I do not own another account and it is impossible to prove i don't own another account without more information.

Please help.

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Hi all ,

First post on here to see if any one can help ,will be appreciated. I receive a product authenticity violation on 3 ASINS from same brand ,all products were from UK wholesale all sent to my address ,vat reg wholesaler ,company address ,sent invoice ,sent Parcelforce delivery details ,sent them order details screenshots from wholesaler website ,all this was told to me by seller support ,assured me that this would get the job done ,just come back today after 2 days saying that not enough info ,I have sent this now 4 times .account been down for a week ,no help whatsoever .

Anyone know what will get this sorted ,dont know what else I can do .thank you in advance .

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Deactivated Account
by Seller_1Vj2ql4K08Nc5
Amazon replied

I have done everything asked to get my account reactivated and still have not had it reactivated even after doing everything needed and that was a few days ago.

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Hi There

Can anyone help! We had our account restricted in April until June where we supplied all info that amazon asked for. Company info even though this is all on our account info on amazon, supplier invoices, bank statements and tracking to all seller fulfilled item sent. On Monday our account was restricted again with amazon asking for the same info from our last appeal. I hold my hands up on some seller fulfilled items we had mixed up tracking info but i have supplied a spreadsheet with all the correct tracking numbers. I have also purchased over 100 shipping labels from amazon too so they have all this info to hand. Amazon have not replied to my last appeal and it just says in progress.

As you can imagine this is a big hit financially with the company just about surviving the last suspension. They are also refunding customers when items are delivered and not letting me communicate with buyers about orders even though they want me to keep my account in good health. Over £400 in refunds in the last 2 days and items all delivered which is so unfair.

Anyone had these issues before?

Any one from amazon that can help

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by Seller_rSbsbOILT6Urs
Amazon replied


So selling for just over a year and cannot withdraw funds.

ODR of 1.69% (And a lovely yellow banner) saying risk of deactivation!!- and the last 2 payment attempts have been unsuccessful. to make matters worse - (3 issues out of 180) 2 of which used amazon buy shipping and shows delivered but still counted within this, against me, one dept doesnt know what the other dept is doing.... answer always / email // with no satisfactory response. result........(a lovely YELLOW BANNER saying risk of deactivation

anyway - stuck between a rock and a hard place now.

if i remove my stock - then surely the ODR just increases and increases if nothing more is sold .....if i carry on selling this could reach £2k owed within say 2-3 weeks then what ???? someone says i didnt get it and then i still cant withdraw?

really unfair

£700 owed on account - 3 issues resolved/refunded in fill - and yet EVerything on hold until my ODR gets to under 1%

what do i do sellers or moderators? i am not waiting 3 months. any help/suggestions welcomed.

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Pricing errors
by Seller_Wq1ASWek5VVYJ
Amazon replied

At a certain time of the day, 3-4 pricing errors occur in a row and these are the products that I am currently lowest in and have won the buybox. Amazon removes the products itself and the violations remain.

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