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Deactivation due to VAT (I am a UK resident)
by Seller_mBo1ofWobUTvT

My account was deactivated due to VAT. Amazon support are saying that my company is not UK established. I have a proof of letter from HMRC stating that I am UK resident and that the company is UK established? Please help! @Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK @Seller_VJ4XoAkjDpjPH @Seller_fgtTzyHQfOM1x @Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN @Seller_pcsb5w54JugEA @Seller_iTgjdgiRqiPsn  @Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH @Seller_sSkzzHms7Kxs6 @Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4 @Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP

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How do I close a UK Seller Account as I am still receiving emails to update a credit card on my old UK Amazon Seller account that I closed 11 years ago when I emigrated from the UK. I have been trying to close my UK Amazon Seller account for over 11 years and cannot understand why this is so difficult for Amazon to action the account to be closed (there are no outstanding balances or any monies outstanding).

Amazon Seller help just tells me to go into Account Management and select Close Account but when I select this, it just opens the help screen that only lists general help on how-to-sell-items. Amazon Seller Support staff just tell me to re-activate my account by entering my credit card details.

This is beyond frustrating! I just want my account to be closed as of 2014! Why is this so difficult?

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Hi All

I received an email re Vat reg & replied to say that I am UK based as is the business and I have not turned over any revenue as yet as I'm a brand new FBA seller. Is it correct that I must be Vat registered from day one to sell on Amazon regardless of the guidelines clearly stating the £90k threshold? HELP!

The email i received below when I replied to the initial Vat Reg email to say that I am UK based as is the business and I have not turned over any revenue as yet as I'm a brand new FBA seller Jan 2025.

Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

Good day! This is Rama, and I hope this email finds you well.

I understand your concern with the email you have received regarding VAT registration in the United Kingdom.

Please be informed that, Under UK VAT legislation, if you are selling or intending to sell in the UK, you will need to register for UK VAT, and Amazon will be required to verify the validity of your registration.

Once you place inventory in the UK, you will be required to be VAT-registered and to upload your UK VAT number to Seller Central within 90 days.

As of August 1, 2024, all Selling on Amazon, Fulfilment by Amazon and other services previously provided by Amazon Services Europe S.à r.l. (ASE) are supplied by Amazon EU S.à r.l. (AEU). If your company is established in the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Poland, Belgium or Sweden, you will be invoiced by the AEU branch in your country of establishment.

As invoices are no longer issued from ASE in Luxembourg, B2B reverse charges will no longer apply if your company is established in a country where AEU has a branch. If your company is established in the UK and is recognised as a taxable person by applying for the VAT exemption programme, you will also be invoiced from your local AEU branch and charged UK VAT on fees where applicable.

Due to these updates, Amazon is pausing the acceptance of any new applications for the VAT exemption programme until further notice. Please be aware that applying for this programme will no longer allow you to receive invoices with 0% VAT on your Amazon seller fees going forward if you are established in the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Poland, Belgium or Sweden.

For more information, go to "Update to Amazon UK and EU seller services entity and VAT treatment":

For further information, please refer to below help page:

VAT requirements in the UK – Registration process:

We wish you a great day!

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Cannot repay negative balance
by Seller_AG8junsQVxmZ1

Hi Amazon team,

It has been so many days since i have been trying to pay off my negative balance and have been unable to do so. It is only -0.61 Euros. I need it to be 0.00 so I can close my account. Please help with this. I have opened countless cases. Repay balance button continues to not work. I am so done by now. Someone please help me already.

Please. This is important.

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Amazon Deactivated
by Seller_j1opVjQdqNv00

I made my account earlier this month, and immediately it was deactivated. Checked performance notifications and it asked for a bill registered to business address, which I provided but still failed to reactivate. Spoke multiple times to AHS who have told me to try my luck again with the bills. Also have had issues with verifying identity information. Got an email where I was told to either verify over call or use the ‘take a photo’ feature, but can’t find those anywhere within the app, and the link Amazon provided did not work. Another final issue is Amazon won’t accept my bank account as a deposit method but have accepted it as a charge method. For this they’ve asked for a recent bank statement which I’ve provided but have failed verification for that too. Just feels like since the account has been created there's a pile of issues and not sure how to deal with them or where to even start dealing with them and which issue to tackle first. The account is a UK account too.

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Please help us reopen the store
by Seller_Ev97muub1p25Q

Please help us reopen the store

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VTR and Royal Mail Signed For
by Seller_SooKfqYdUflLd

I have been sending everything Royal Mail "Signed For" with a valid tracking number since early January and my VTR is only 80% since several parcel are not showing as delivered. How are we supposed to achieve 95% when the posties obviously are not getting signatures from the customers ?

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Negative Feedback
by Seller_MeUK3N1GoaT4G
Amazon replied


I have received a negative feedback from a customer becauase he assumed delivery to take place on day of dispatch

I have spoken to seller support as usual no support

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CASE ID 10847273382

I have a trademark policy violation which I do not understand how it is a real violation. This will NOT hold up in court as it would not get confused, we are getting bullied by a bigger seller here. What are my options?

@Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH @Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN

Our product:

A Christmas themed black boxed card game about doing physical challenges for adults named "more VS less".

The trademark complaint product:

A white family game with a completely different design about guessing facts named "more OR less"

Why do I not have the ability to argue this in an appeal? All I can do for options is upload their letter stating I can use their trademark when I haven't even infringed on their trademark.

Their words:

more vs less is confusing and buyers will think it's our product"

I highly doubt it as they look entirely different.

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account deativate
by Seller_FF9kCyr6fg2rn

Hello everyone my amazon account has been deativate due to policy voliation i submit the invoice but amazon does not accept invoice the orignal brand invoice amazon tell me again and again there is no suffient enough information now what should i do now

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