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Results for "가상계좌√⸨@MOONPAY_CALL⸩♨경남은행가상계좌Ρ법인장팝니다㎓게임사이트가상계좌수수료㎟농협은행가상┐경남은행가상"

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Buy shipping a-z claims - ODR affected
by Seller_mFUCwL9EwZc6Y

Please can a mod look at the following order numbers



I started using buy shipping as I understood that if buy shipping is used then a-z claims will not affect ODR metric score.

I reached out to seller support but they told me they weren't aware of the buy shipping health protection.


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Registering business in UK vs Ireland
by Seller_UnpC8atkayHA9
Amazon replied

I originally set up a Uk limited company with company house to sell on Amazon uk as an Irish resident. Recently, I have learnt that I am an NETP. Should I have just registered in Ireland and sold to Amazon Uk as it would have been more tax efficient or was I better I sticking with a Uk Ltd? Just for the record I do online arbitrage buying and selling products domestically within the Uk

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Registering business in UK vs Ireland
by Seller_UnpC8atkayHA9

Yeah I am registered now

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My question is there VAT applied on fees to sellers that were registered in Ireland? I'm not sure if there already was VAT on their fees so could you make the answer more clear. If i register a company in Ireland today and sell in the UK will their be VAT on fees?

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Good morning @Seller_U8aqbe1vmzQak,

I have response to your question:

If your company is established in Ireland and provided your Irish VAT registration number, you will be invoiced by the AEU head office in Luxembourg, and there will be no change to how VAT is applied on Amazon fees.

Please let me know if you have any more questions.



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As many of you may be aware, Amazon has introduced a new Delivery Date Policy, which holds payments for DD+7 days. While this applies to all accounts, I believe this blanket approach is unfair.

Amazon should implement this policy on an account-by-account basis, considering individual account performance. For well-performing accounts with a solid track record, payments shouldn't be delayed by DD+7.

I encourage everyone to leave feedback on the Payments page, urging Amazon to reconsider this policy and apply it more fairly based on account performance. Of course, I doubt they will listen to us, but at least we can try.

You may write: "You should consider deferring transactions selectively based on the account's performance and history, rather than applying it to all seller accounts universally. We have been selling on Amazon for a long time without any payment issues, and it's important to recognize this when deciding to defer payments.

If an account is deemed to be at risk, then it makes sense to defer transactions. However, for well-established accounts with a solid track record, payments should be released promptly. "

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I totally agree! it's driving me potty, ZERO money coming in this week, and nothing for what seems to be another 7-10days - my 1st release is 1st October - the add 2-5 business days to hit the bank! i'm not a pleasant person to be around at the moment, payroll on Monday, rent dues Tuesday, Agghhh

We have been on since 2009.

However, here's the killer blow.

You know this has been all the way to parliament and they forced amazon to delay it, that was last year and again this year. they had to give more notice etc etc.

Needless to say they gave that notice and some (they said it was going to be implemented in August).

my current argument is, we were not told a date, it just happened last week and i can't find any correspondence to back up the day it would be implemented and i strongly feel it should have been gradual i.e DD+1day for a month and added a day each month thereafter until 7 days.

Also, you really need to check your deferred orders and the release date of funds, i looked today (we ship with Amazon shipping) and the delivery date on tracking shows 21st Sept, so, in theory, it would be the 28th funds were released, but amazon hasn't updated the order status yet to delivered so funds are now not released until 1st October so that + 3to 5 days means orders placed on 20th sept, earliest funds would hit the bank on 4th October - 14 days later.

we are, and i am sure many others too, especially with all the new rules hitting on the 30th of December, now actively pushing (and hard) our own website to mitigate all the crap from Amazon.

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this is criminal. I have just sent them countless messages saying this is wrong. Our company needs to be able to take OUR money out. They are holding OUR money. This is now affecting our lives as we cannot take our money out which we now need to pay VAT and rent etc..

when you see our director nearly in tears with worry because there are bills to pay and wages and you need to just draw your money out but are not able to....

Our last deposit was held for 7 days, it then took 6 days to reach our bank!!!!!

im almost at the point where we should all get together to see if there is anything we can do legally.

they are holding a few thousand of ours now, why.... We have been an amazon business for 15 years !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Total balance not updating
by Seller_gqP3LQPw6KysS

Thanks for your reply.

I hate it when this happens. It makes me want to shut down until it's sorted out. I feel like I'm working for free or at a loss for that matter.

Fingers crossed it's fixed soon 🤞

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Total balance not updating
by Seller_zwoYg1nbgxxeu

Can you still disburse though?

i wonder if my disbursement will just get cancelled, as the amount there is clearly incorrect

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