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Results for "무사고장집 【 @MOONPAY_CALL 】 장집 계좌구매 기업가상 가상계좌api target=_blank"

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I find it extremely concerning that if as a seller, I'm not meeting the target rate of below 5% for uploading an invoice within 24 hours of a customer payment, I am at risk of deactivation.

If this is such a sensitive metric that can lead to de-activation of an account, why isn't there a notification alert from Amazon requesting sellers to upload the invoice within 24 hours of the payment being made with the order I.D for said invoice each time? We get an email alert to respond to buyers messages within 24 hours of the buyer message for instance.

As sellers, we have a host of duties to perform. Do they expect us to check the orders page every few hours to ensure this mundane task is promptly met within a very narrow timeframe each time? This is extremely unreasonable in my humble opinion. I would like to adhere to this, however, life gets in the way, and without notification prompts, this is very difficult to adhere to ALL OF THE TIME.

Is there a way to receive an alert from Amazon each time an order is placed requiring an invoice to be uploaded?

I have auto invoices set up for all the countries where I have VAT registration, but occasionally, you get orders from other EU countries that do not have VAT registration, thus making this task difficult to adhere to without fail.

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Thank you for contacting us with your grievance regarding the Amazon Payments Europe (APE) service. Amazon Payments Europe takes complaints seriously.

Amazon Payments Europe has looked into the matter and we would like to inform you that based on a review of your account and the information provided, we have concluded that we cannot verify the Value-Added Tax (VAT) establishment of the business in your selling account.

As a result, you can no longer sell on or any European stores. You should continue to ship open orders and respond to customer inquiries to avoid further impact to your account.

We leveraged a combination of automated means and expert human review to identify this issue and make this decision.

Why did this happen?

The document that you provided is not acceptable for verification.


Under Account Health:

We completed our evaluation of your submission. We do not have enough information to remove the violation at this time.

So, is something wrong with the documents or what is happening?

difficult to guess what is going or what Amazon wants ( if they know)




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You can now use generative artificial intelligence (AI) to create high-quality product listings that are automatically tailored to Amazon’s store.

To get started, simply go to List Your Products and use one of the following options:

  • Enter a few keywords to describe your product in the Keywords tab and then click Create a new listing from the search results page.
  • Click the Product image tab to upload a product image from your device.
  • Click the Blank form tab to access Generate Listing Content, and directly enter a few keywords or upload a product image.

The tool will then generate the product title, bullet point, and description attribute content that you can review and edit.

Before you publish generated content to the Amazon catalogue, we recommend that you review it thoroughly and ensure all product details are accurate.

Our generative AI tools are constantly learning and evolving. We’re actively developing powerful new capabilities to make generated listings more effective, and make it even easier for you to list products.

For more information on how to use generative AI product listing features, go to List Your Products and Add one product at a time.

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Maintaining a Healthy Seller Account
by Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr
Amazon replied

Hello Sellers,

Having a healthy seller account is crucial for your success on the Amazon marketplace. The Account Health Dashboard provides an overview of your selling account's adherence to Amazon's performance targets and policies. Regularly monitoring and addressing any issues is essential to ensure uninterrupted selling privileges.

What is the Account Health Dashboard?

The Account Health Dashboard displays key metrics that Amazon uses to evaluate your account's performance, such as:

-Order Defect Rate: Measures customer experience with your orders

-Late Shipment Rate: Tracks your on-time shipment performance

-Policy Violations: Highlights any violations of Amazon's selling policies

How to Access Your Account Health Dashboard:

Menu- > Account Health- > Account Health

🟢Best Practices for Maintaining a Healthy Account:

  • Understand each metric and its target: Review Amazon's guidelines for acceptable performance levels.
  • Check your Account Health regularly across all marketplaces: Performance metrics can vary by marketplace.
  • Monitor Performance Notifications: Address any issues promptly to avoid negative impact on your account.
  • Take preventative steps: Implement processes to maintain high performance (e.g., streamline fulfillment, improve customer service).
  • Review your product catalog: Ensure compliance with evolving regulations and policies.
  • Address violations immediately: Respond to any violations on your Account Health Dashboard as soon as possible.

📖Useful Resources:

Seller University : Understand your Account Health metrics

Account Health FAQ

🎤Share Your Tips: How do you maintain a healthy seller account? What advice would you give to new sellers starting their Amazon journey?

Would you have any feedback regarding Account Health?

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Amazon Keyword Optimization 101
by Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK

Hello everyone!

We have an important topic for you today: keywords.

The right keywords not only help increase your visibility but also improve relevance for potential customers.

We therefore have a few tips for you to find your perfect keyword mix.

Use Amazon-specific keywords: The tactics you use for Google don't necessarily work for Amazon, as the target group behaves differently on both platforms. Therefore, focus on your Amazon target group to optimize your keywords. For example, you can use the Amazon search bar to get ideas.

Use only relevant keywords: Select keywords that really match the product listing. Avoid irrelevant or subjective keywords, even if they have a high search query. Instead, focus on search terms that meet the exact demand and needs of your target customers to increase your relevance.

Integrate keywords strategically: You don't have to integrate the keywords multiple times. The most important keywords should already appear in the title, and you can also include other keywords in the product description.

Use backend keywords: Additional keywords that customers don't see can be placed in the backend. Be careful not to exceed the maximum number of 250 bytes. To make optimal use of the number of bytes, you can do without punctuation marks and filler words.

Monitor the keyword-performance: Check the performance of your keywords regularly and exchange them for new ones if they don't deliver good results.

I'm sure many of you have other strategies from your practical experience! Do you utilize any specialized tools (Amazon)-Tools to identify the most effective keywords?

Your insights are needed now! We look forward to your contributions and experiences on the topic!

Let us know if you find posts like this helpful by thumbs up 👍 or down 👎, or leave a comment 😊

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Removing a large number of ASINs from EU Marketplaces
In reply to: Seller_SFroNyke7RXVg’s postby Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr


If, in the past, you had a connection active, it means that the offer was already created in the target marketplace.

If you exclude the specific ASIN in the target marketplace, it means that it will not be updated in case you make any updates in the source marketplace.

However, this ASIN still exists in your inventory of the target marketplace, as you had a connection active in the past. In this case, you need to delete the ASIN from the target inventory.

I would recommend you review this help page: How to exclude and permanently delete international offers.

Let us know if you managed to remove your inventory from other marketplaces.



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merged ASIN's for The Same Listing (Help Required)
In reply to: Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK’s postby Seller_xKvk4JNodAqWm

Appreciate your help Target ASIN IS B09TTWKQ3X and source ASIN (deleted) which has cuased issues is B08LTT4XM8

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We've been happily selling on Amazon UK for 15+ years. Have over 1K units in the FBA warehouses. We moved our business address end of April and changed this on our account. That's all, no other changes. Since then the requests for documents to verify our business have been extraordinary. We've provided every piece of info required, yet keep being asked for more, or for duplicates of what we've already provided. Well over 10 case logs / DMs via Twitter/X, direct messages to the 'verification team' and requests for escalation. Not getting anywhere and our stock is at risk of being returned. What on earth can we do, it feels like we're simply dealing with A.I. Why would a simple change of address warrant such ridiculous and pedantic requests for documents? Companies House are okay with our Limited business, so are HMRC, and our bank - documents forwarded to Amazon as proof. We've been a Limited business for over 30 years.

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VTR dropping with Special Delivery
In reply to: Seller_c2wg3bzwmXhaa’s postby Seller_GPLxAbyNPI33I

Yes maintained 100% VTR for many months, now 85.71%

Target: over 95%

Number of non-exempted shipments: 7

Shipments with valid tracking: 6

We have bought postage from Amazon buy shipping for all our Amazon orders.

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Valid Trackin
In reply to: Seller_WDBlM63N2MqW9’s postby Seller_GPLxAbyNPI33I

Yes maintained 100% VTR for many months, now 85.71%

Target: over 95%

Number of non-exempted shipments: 7

Shipments with valid tracking: 6

We have bought postage from Amazon buy shipping for all our Amazon orders.

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