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Results for "프라그마틱슬롯버그⸨ 텔 FT24CS ⸩프라그마틱-에볼전문파싱알-에볼루션사이트-프라그마틱슬롯사이트-바카라사이트구매-슬롯파싱알api최저가-슬롯가품판매-프라마그틱무료슬롯-0에볼솔루션업체"

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Last week a customer ordered 3x1 item, a few days later it said:

Refunds total: -£139.47

The item never arrived

I contacted amz and received:

Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

I understand you have contacted us regarding if your order will not be returned.

Kindly note that as per Amazon policy, a refund is a customer credit for all or part of the cost of a bought item. In some cases, we issue customers a "returnless refund". In other words, they are not required to send the item back to the fulfilment centre. This means they are not required to return the item. Some items that are not eligible for return may be eligible for a refund.

In your case, your product will not be returned to the inventory, it was a returnless refund and you will not be reimbursed for it.

Then to my amazement I just received this for a completely different item/ASIN :

Refunds total: -£148.89

Return not expected

Seller central just copy and paste the same reply

I can not afford to give away £300 worth of stock in 1 day

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Handmade Customisation Question
by Seller_EpXPhVLnbs8X3

Hi All,

I'm on Handmade at Amazon and create costume jewellery, offering my earrings in pierced or clip ons so I had set up customisation on my listings so people could choose.

I now want to add a 3rd option for a different type of pierced closure, however the page has changed since I originally set it up. it is now asking for "surface 1", description and a square photo with specific dimensions.. I don't really understand what I'm supposed to do with this as I'm not printing T-Shirts and I don't have any square photos. Can I bypass this step?

It won't let me add my new option without uploading a photo!

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Opt out of removal orders
by Seller_rTNRowDlBSYuI
Amazon replied

Hi, How do I stop amazon from returning my old stock? I'm sure there is an 'opt out' setting but customer service doesn't know how to do it. They sent ALL my stock back 30 days before xmas last year. I was going through a crisis then and didn't get it cancelled in time. So my xmas sales were 0. Thanks

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Handmade Customisation Question
In reply to: Seller_EpXPhVLnbs8X3’s postby Seller_ZjZ4slOF0jHpk

You can't exactly bypass it. You can leave it at Surface 1 if you want, but still have to add a pic if you want to edit the template.

In my case - choosing frame colours, or with/without a mount - I have for example, on the framed/unframed listings -

"Select with or without a frame" (which are in black, white or oak) & just a generic pic showing an example, with the word "Example" on it as I can't be uploading each possible variation images for 3000 listings.

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10 Years selling on Amazon account deactivated
In reply to: Seller_VJ4XoAkjDpjPH’s postby Seller_Mm1T4Y55OdRrc

Hi @Seller_VJ4XoAkjDpjPH,

I believe we put in an appeal that explained the siutation, explained the issues with the product and also tried to explain steps we would take in future to avoid it.

We received a generic response back so we have no way of knowing if it was even seen or checked by a human but the generic messages continued to be sent advising we needed to provide the invoice that we explained we could not.

We are coming to the conclusive that Amazon does not want us to continue selling. We have applied for independent mediation as a last step.

I appreciate the help you offered at this last stage but the response from Amazon in general has been awful and I do not think acceptable. If Amazon has a genuine reason they want us off their platform then it would be appropriate to say that. We've now wasted 2 weeks trying to get our account reactivated. We have chased the supply chain to the point of finding the original manufacturer of the device back before 2020 and that the company was dissolved (23/05/2024) on the very same day our account was deactivated. Perhaps a coincidence but when we tried to find out again we just got generic replies from Amazon. It is not unreasonable to expect that when decisions are being made which will cost this amount of money and people their livelihoods that they should be made in a transparent and clear manner.

We are starting the process of moving on but I fear that at some point soon Amazon will do this to a person who will lose everything for what may be a mistake.

The recent stories around the Post Office seem to have similarities with the Amazon treats it sellers. Automated systems making decisions that are enforced with no responsibility being taken. It seems we will never know why this one product out of the 30,000 we have listed over 10 years was the "one" that took away our account.

We will never know why our explanation of the circumstances was not accepted.

We will never know if it was due to the brand being incorrect. These are questions that we deserved answers to even if that still resulted in our account being deactivated.

We will never know if a company in no way related to us being dissolved on the same day our account was deactivated was a trigger for our account.

If other sellers read this in similar circumstances then I can only advise that it is possible you will fair better than us but I would urge everyone reading this to not rely on Amazon as a consistent source of business. We sold on Amazon since 2014, with 97% feedback, on the day our account was deactivated every metric was within targets. If you list against the product catalogue like we did (We never created a product on Amazon), then we believe you could be caught the same as us. Not paying enough attention to the errors in the Amazon product catalogue seems to our error.

The product that got us banned was created on Amazon before 2020 and we had not sold it on Amazon since 2021 at the latest. It had been removed from Amazon and our inventory yet it is still the only reason Amazon have given us for deactivating our account.

I hope everyone has better luck selling on Amazon than we had at the end.

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10 Years selling on Amazon account deactivated
by Seller_Mm1T4Y55OdRrc

I believe that this is the end of our Amazon account but before we give up I thought I would reach out here in the hope there is something that we have missed.


We have sold on Amazon since 2014 mainly video games, mostly our own stock but over the years we have also had agreements with suppliers who will ship directly to the customer. We have had the usual problems that we see on the forum all the time but never had account suspended.

On Thursday I logged into find our account had been deactivated, with the below message. It relates this product:




Your Amazon selling account has been deactivated. Your listings have been removed in accordance with section 3 of the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement. We leveraged a combination of automated means and expert human review to make this decision. Funds available in your account will be withheld. If you have FBA inventory of the items causing "inauthentic" complaints in Amazon European fulfillment centers, they are currently ineligible for removal.

Why is this happening?

We have taken this measure because we have concerns about the authenticity of the items listed at the end of this email. In order to ensure that customers can shop with confidence on Amazon, we request additional information from sellers to confirm the authenticity of certain products. The sale of counterfeit products on Amazon is strictly prohibited. Amazon has several product detail and listing policies to ensure customers have a consistent buying experience and receive items in the condition they expect.

It seems the product was created on Amazon (Not by us) with the wrong brand. We did list the item as it was sold by one of our suppliers but we never sold one and as far as we can see has not been listed or stock by us for years. The product is not on Amazon any longer. We often receive notifications about violations and always accept them and then remove the product as we list a lot against items already in the catalogue. In searching though emails we found an email on 20/04/2024 saying the listing had been deactivated as it infringes on the copyright of others

It seems the mistake we made was on this one appealing. We replied that the item was clearly incorrect but we did not create and the brand needed to be changed

After that on 4th April We received this message and as there was no listing and we didnt want to ever sell it again we felt that was the end of the matter until we were told our account was deactivated due to that product.

Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

We understand your concern regarding your ASIN B07FF4YQQK. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused you. Rest assured that we'll help you in this regard.

We were unable to find a listing for product ID B07FF4YQQK. Please create a new listing by adding a product to your inventory.

To add a product to your inventory by matching it to an existing listing, follow these steps:

1. Select “Add products” from the “Catalogue” drop-down menu.

2. Under “Find your products in Amazon’s catalogue”, search for the product that you want to sell.

3. Once you locate the product, click “Show variations”, if applicable.

4. Select a condition.

5. Click on “Sell this Product”.

6. Enter your offer information in the provided fields.

7. Click on “Save”.

If you’re unable to locate your product in Add a Product, you can create a new product listing.

We understand that this is not the outcome that you are expecting but we appreciate your outmost patience and understanding.

We have tried appealing, stating that we accept we got this wrong, but we keep being asked for an invoice / supply chain we cannot provide. We tried reaching out to managingdirector in the hope we could explain the situation to a human and that this seems an over-reaction but no one has replied. Having read the forums over the years I assume this is the end for our business but it seems unfair after 10 years of selling.

Is there anything else I can do?

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I had submitted documents for account verification 4 months ago but my verification is still not complete. Whenever I talk to customer support, they say it will be done soon.Either complete the verification if the documents are complete or if the documents are incomplete then reject the request so that I can update and upload the remaining documents.So that I can get my payment and my sales can resume because 4 months is a very long time and my account has been closed for 4 months.

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我开的case ID 9886278562,9957726662,但是客服都是模板回复,完全没有帮助。我自己搞回来了1次,又丢失了。我服了啊!

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I previously created a discussion where I explained my problem, but no one from Amazon helped me.

My account has been inactive for almost 3 months.

Even though I do my best, I cannot solve this problem.

I submitted dozens of different appeals.

I get the same email response and rejection every time.

I am a new seller with no sales yet.

If I unknowingly made a mistake while creating my account, I am ready to correct this mistake, but no one contacts me.

You have no right to push new sellers like me out of Amazon like this, without any explanation, by deactivating their accounts and then without providing any help in resolving this issue.

I spent money and effort for this job. And I've been waiting for 3 months to get help.

You have no right to treat me like a criminal!

If I made a mistake unknowingly, you must give me the opportunity to correct it.

I am not an expert on Amazon, as I said before, I am a new seller so I may have made a mistake when setting up my account.

You have no right to disable me like this just because I made a mistake.

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Products vanished, no answer from Amazon
by Seller_AK0byuRmR85DN


I'm victim of strong environmental problems with Electricity impacting on my life. I had to close down a 71 years old business shop, finding no buyer in this weird economical period. I decieded to apply for a SellerCentral account to deliver remaining parts of my shoes stock.

I did sold 1/4 of this stock and I wasn't worried thinking it will goes good with the spring comming. Came a strong hurricane in November impacting my house. Besides the fatigue of the environmental problems, I've been busy all the winter on the repairs of the house. Finally delivered I've had finally the time to prepare the Spring sales on Amazon.

Since it's a nightmare. 179 products of my stocks have simply vanished from any actions. When others items from the same shipments made to Amazon, with same brands are still actives. It represents a fair amount of money. I own them. I've bought them to well established brands as a renowed and serious distributor.

I datamined a complete list of ASIN+SKU and provided it to Amazon employees, but no one is answering to my questions.

When I request them to deliver me my stocks back, they don't answer the same.

What is happening I don't know. I need help and retrieve my stock's items.

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