Bizarrely I struggled to find a category to link this post to and yet I find it highly relevant.
I see posts from moderators all of the time wanting sellers to be engaged with each other and yet the forum policies and rules were changed to suppress dialogue rather than encourage it.
I genuinely want to help on this forum whilst at the same time I want to see posts that could help me further my knowledge on Amazon. Sadly I now see it is a one way street and purely an extension to seller support.
Don't get me wrong, I think the forum is the best place to find answers to those problems that seller support come to help with but all I see now is tag a moderator. Moderators then go away and come back often sorting out the issue but at the same time just drawing a rod for their own backs.
If there is a problem that is affecting all sellers, ie A-Z claims, VTR, things not processing when they should or just a general whinge on price hikes then this is absolutely the place to go. Perhaps trying to get Amazon to change their ways, then absolutely tag a moderator and hopefully a moderator will get involved.
I see moderators now saying, send me your case number, I will look into it and come back with a solution or will chase it up etc. Now it seems like a nice thing to do but what I don't see is a moderator coming back and saying yes we see that the policy point you are highlighting is a complete nonsense, what we will do is contact management and discuss this issue and get back with a proper explanation to why the policy exists or a review of the policy change. That would be nice and perhaps the forum would be more useful and powerful.
Someone posting to the board saying they have a deactivation notice or not getting the buy box and seller support is not listening then tagging a moderator is not a forum at all, it is just another way to divert questions to seller support.
There are now just countless posts with moderator tags of posters that never actually have any intention of engaging with the forum just want another avenue for escalating a support case.
The more forum moderators take on an issue, the more requests they get, the time when they don't do it, you then get the poster saying, why are you not answering me but everyone else. What do you have to do to prompt a moderator response.
Wonder what your thought are on this @Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK, @Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP.