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Hi Sellers,

As we are all aware, your detail pages can make or break your success on Amazon. It can be incredibly difficult to try to figure out what to improve when you have been working with products for a long time alone. We're starting this thread to help each other optimize listings through peer review and shared insights.

There are TWO ways to participate:


  • Tell us your product story: Is there something special about your product that’s hard to capture on the detail page?
  • Mention your target customer: Who are you trying to reach?
  • Highlight any current challenges: What barriers are you seeing in getting the detail page that you want?


  • What makes your detail page stand out: How did you make your products best features center stage?
  • Which elements have had the biggest impact: What areas have you seen sales spikes when the detail page changed?
  • Include any testing insights (A/B testing): Were there any specific strategies when developing your options?

The goal is practical, actionable feedback from fellow sellers and even some from your Community Managers who understand the challenges you're facing and have tools you might not have available!

Get posting everyone and lets improve your Amazon Catalog one ASIN at a time!


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USPS recycling and reusing tracking numbers
by Seller_35YCctDNERucc
Amazon replied

Not sure if it's just my luck but for 2 orders, seems USPS labels purchased through Amazon have been recycled for items (not mine) that were delivered some time ago in the recent past. Going to assume I'm out of luck on getting a refund because they show as delivered by USPS.

Happy Monday... :(

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My sales like down 96% today which is very very strange. I have never seen sales numbers this low, EVER!. Anyone noticed a severe drop in sales today?

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Amazon replied

Since last week we have been facing an issue where Amazon-provided USPS labels are showing to be delivered in December 2024 when the labels were purchased in the 2nd week of February 2025.

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What Are Universal Products?
by Seller_0y5AN5tyn4EUB

Amazon sent a long e-mail to everyone about changes to selling Universal products. Please excuse my ignorance but what doe Amazon consider Universal products?

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Small Businesses/ New Sellers Run!
by Seller_YHJfIiFVgZLru

IF you're a small business/ new seller please read all the horror stories written by many before you. Heed the warnings and Run! Amazon will ruin you. There are no protections for you against fraud here. None. How can you owe $12,000 in ad clicks and impressions with no sale? Fraud! and they let their people get away with it too. Ask questions and you get your account closed...while still owing $12,000 worth of unaccounted clicks with no sales!!! There is no hope for you here. I should have listened to those before, and I didn't. SMH. AMAZON IS THE ENDOF SMALL BUSINESS

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There is a third party seller on my listing who has tanked the price. I am trying to conduct a test buy to see if they are selling authentic products under my brand.

I'm unable to test buy, as the seller has CANCELLED my orders 4 times already. I'm not sure how they can get away with this, as each time when the order is cancelled, it is left with no trace the order ever existed, nor a reason for cancellation - When I look up the Order ID under My Orders page, the order IDs cannot be found.

This is very suspicious and likely fraudulent activity. What can I do about the situation? Please help

For reference, here are 4 order IDs that the seller has cancelled






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Just received this email:

Important information about your listings for MARVEL


To ensure a safe and trustworthy shopping experience, we are implementing additional qualifications to sell MARVEL products given the sensitive nature of these products. Specifically, we are now limiting offers to domestic sellers with a track record of steady availability and sales of significant inventory supply. To determine whether you will remain qualified to sell these products, we are now requiring sellers to provide evidence of a supply chain greater than 100 units of inventory from a verifiable supplier. If we do not receive supply chain documentation that meets these requirements by MARVEL, we will remove your listings.

This action does not impact your account health, and you are still eligible to list other products on the Amazon store. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause you.

How can I keep my listings active?

To continue selling MARVEL products on Amazon, respond to this message and provide all the requested information and documents for the specified listings:

-- Copies of invoices, receipts, contracts, delivery orders, or authorization letters from your supplier issued in the last 365 days that show a quantity of items of at least 100. You may remove pricing information, but the rest of the document must be visible.

-- Contact information for your supplier, including the business name, phone number, address (where applicable), email, and website. We may call your supplier to verify the documents. We will maintain the confidentiality of your supplier contact information.

You can send .pdf, .jpg, .png, or .gif files. These documents must be authentic and unaltered, other than removing or redacting pricing information.

Were your listings removed as a result of an error?

If you believe your products have been misclassified as MARVEL, please contact Selling Partner Support with evidence to support this claim.

Can I sell my remaining inventory?

If you have remaining inventory of the affected products in Amazon fulfillment centers, you will not be able to continue selling your remaining inventory after the date above unless we receive updated supply chain documents. If you would like to have this inventory removed to you, Amazon will cover the cost of the inventory removal. For help creating a removal order, see the following:

If you sell via Fulfilled by Merchant, you will be able to continue fulfilling orders until 2025-02-26. After this date, your offers will be removed unless we receive updated supply chain documents.

We're here to help. For more information about products that require approval, search for Categories and products requiring approval in Seller Central, or see

Sincerely, Seller Performance Team


There is no information on if we can buy additional units to satisfy this requirement. Marvel is a small part of our business so we typically only order about 50-60 of the $150 omnibus collections per year. So i guess we're just going to drop the brand on Amazon now.

Anyone else know about this?

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As an Amazon seller for over 10 years, I believe last year was the hardest for everyone. The economy slowed to a halt, and many sellers experienced an increase in their ODR (Order Defect Rate) simply because they couldn't push more orders.

Our store faced the same challenges. Instead of receiving support from Amazon, they pushed us to the edge and ultimately down the drain.

We had a case ID involving a chargeback from a customer. Despite using and purchasing Amazon’s shipping label/service, which is supposed to come with a guarantee, the customer claimed they never received the package—even though tracking showed it was delivered to the correct address. Somehow, not only did we have to reimburse the customer, but we also received an ODR case. This pushed our ODR from 1% to 1.56%, barely over the threshold.

As a result, we are now sitting on tons of inventory, and every plan we had for selling, discounts, and marketing has been effectively terminated.

As expected, Amazon’s customer service had no clue why this happened. Their system acknowledged that the case ID was mistakenly counted against our ODR and promised to correct it, but the Buy Box feature never returned. Since then, our sales have been stagnant, and our rating has remained unchanged.

This is why, if you sell on Amazon, be aware that their system is highly prone to errors, and the ones left dealing with the losses are always the sellers. Check your A-Z claims daily and fight for every case.

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New tracking labels show "delivered"?
by Seller_4hYgD5o54D74Y
Amazon replied

I’m having an issue with tracking numbers on all of the orders I sent out today. It looks like USPS is recycling tracking numbers, so when my customers track their packages, it shows as "delivered" to a random city from a few weeks ago.

I purchase my shipping through Amazon Shipping, and the tracking info looks correct within the order page. However, when I track it directly on the USPS website, it shows as already delivered. Already had a customer ask if I entered the tracking correctly.

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Most of us, myself included, are usually the loudest when we have been hurt in some way.

So, I wanted to make sure that the humans working at Amazon knew that we appreciated the aide and the effort that they gave.

'Apply to sell branded used books' was not my post, but I did have a considerable amount of correspondence with @Seller_t9kvdr2yixQej in the post.

The issue was the requirement of an invoice during the approval process to sell some used books. The problem was that, generally speaking, there are no invoices provided during the purchasing of used books.

I do not know if the issue has been completely resolved, but I do know that the last 10 books (approx.) that I had to request approval for were all approved on the spot and there was no request for an invoice.

I have no insight into what moves the boulders behind the scenes at Amazon, but I do know that people, both seen and unseen, attempted to help.

To them, I say Thank You.

You and the work that you do are both appreciated.

**please comment below with your recent experience with this issue (invoice requirement), as I am curious if my experience is what everyone else is experiencing or not

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