Just received this email:
Important information about your Amazon.com listings for MARVEL
To ensure a safe and trustworthy shopping experience, we are implementing additional qualifications to sell MARVEL products given the sensitive nature of these products. Specifically, we are now limiting offers to domestic sellers with a track record of steady availability and sales of significant inventory supply. To determine whether you will remain qualified to sell these products, we are now requiring sellers to provide evidence of a supply chain greater than 100 units of inventory from a verifiable supplier. If we do not receive supply chain documentation that meets these requirements by MARVEL, we will remove your listings.
This action does not impact your account health, and you are still eligible to list other products on the Amazon store. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause you.
How can I keep my listings active?
To continue selling MARVEL products on Amazon, respond to this message and provide all the requested information and documents for the specified listings:
-- Copies of invoices, receipts, contracts, delivery orders, or authorization letters from your supplier issued in the last 365 days that show a quantity of items of at least 100. You may remove pricing information, but the rest of the document must be visible.
-- Contact information for your supplier, including the business name, phone number, address (where applicable), email, and website. We may call your supplier to verify the documents. We will maintain the confidentiality of your supplier contact information.
You can send .pdf, .jpg, .png, or .gif files. These documents must be authentic and unaltered, other than removing or redacting pricing information.
Were your listings removed as a result of an error?
If you believe your products have been misclassified as MARVEL, please contact Selling Partner Support with evidence to support this claim.
Can I sell my remaining inventory?
If you have remaining inventory of the affected products in Amazon fulfillment centers, you will not be able to continue selling your remaining inventory after the date above unless we receive updated supply chain documents. If you would like to have this inventory removed to you, Amazon will cover the cost of the inventory removal. For help creating a removal order, see the following:
If you sell via Fulfilled by Merchant, you will be able to continue fulfilling orders until 2025-02-26. After this date, your offers will be removed unless we receive updated supply chain documents.
We're here to help. For more information about products that require approval, search for Categories and products requiring approval in Seller Central, or see
Sincerely, Seller Performance Team
There is no information on if we can buy additional units to satisfy this requirement. Marvel is a small part of our business so we typically only order about 50-60 of the $150 omnibus collections per year. So i guess we're just going to drop the brand on Amazon now.
Anyone else know about this?