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Results for "코인가상계좌 ( @MOONPAY_CALL ) 1:1가상계좌 국민은행 제주은행가상 신협가상계좌"

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Deferred transactions
In reply to: Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK’s postby Seller_IQo80d99W2DzP


I have a similar issue, BUT, Seller Support, again does not understand at all, tranferred the case.

Several issues seem to have kicked in yesterday:

A: Account Level Reserve. It has averaged from £0 to around £600 for many months, I guess to allow for a few returns in transit, BUT is now £/Thousands. There are not that amount of returns, and Seller Support do not know why it has increased, but I then spoke to someone else, seems a common issue.

B: Deferred transactions (Customers get a free 30 days to pay, unsure why though, when it should be offered by Amazon, not the Seller), but anyway, I am aware about that.

C: Even ignoring the above, we have been paid daily if required. However, it is now showing: Transfer of £xx (amount due, minus A and B above) scheduled to initiate on 15/07/2024* *Transfers can take 3-5 working days to complete and the actual transfer amount is subject to change. View our for more information about when you will be paid.

The DD+7 was supposed to be set to September from previous messages.

Also, why is A as much as that, as that should not be as high, which would mean even on 15/7/24 we would be paid a higher amount.

Again, even if it is DD+7, does that mean the daily pay out has also gone/going?

Basically, it seems you have to wait a month to get paid, Amazon will be gaining £millions in interest payments. (Plus another month, so up to 2 months wait if Business Account Buyers)

Perhaps nag new MP's, unless a dodgy Seller, payments should be met in a similar way to Card Payments. The same as it has been until now. At most it should be a full payment daily for everything that is DD+7 as I had understood to be the update. So, if sent today, delivered tomorrow, payout would be 7 days after that.

Plus, general banking usually transfers now in less than 4 hours, often in minutes, so why 3 to 5 days for Amazon? If we are all having to wait DD+7, at least then it should be a same-day payout, on a daily basis.

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So, hello everyone! I had Fbm order around the 12th of June, shipped the same day to the Netherlands, and left the UK alright. I thought it had been delivered, until the buyer contacted me 3 days ago, saying the Item had not been received. I replied I would look into this with Royal Mail. I was told it left the UK. Before I could reply to him he sent another message saying it might be the customs, that he would keep checking the post, and he would let me know. So this morning, he messaged he got a letter from Post NL that customs confiscated the item because it was prohibited in the Netherlands, he mentioned Brexit. I said ok. Send me the letter from customs, and he sent a letter from post-NL, and the letter says what he told me and that they won't return the item. It has been seized. We have sent similar products to France, and Belgium and have no problem with customs there. So now because of the situation he wants me to send a replacement to a UK address and that he will be in the UK by the end of July. So a replacement he wants, I said I will have to speak to seller support If I could do that I would let him know. Now he wants a refund If we can't replace the item. The item in question is Hayfever allergy Tablets, Is this possible to be prohibited in Holland? I hope I have explained this properly. I suspect the Letter from Post NL, but then again you never know. Lastly, the letter states he has the right to appeal in court if he thinks otherwise about the prohibition. Suggestions please and thanks for reading.

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EU Europe Representative (EU Responsible Person)
by Seller_IQo80d99W2DzP

As you probably know, manufacturers and brand owners: to sell to Northern Ireland (NI) you need an EU Europe Representative (EU Responsible Person). From August, or December, depending on item.

Amazon has still not clarified if Sellers can stop sales to NI, or all items have to still be available to all of the UK, as it is now (with SFP/FBA).

There seems to be a range of Companies in various parts of the EU, offering to be the EU Europe Representative (EU Responsible Person) for a fee. Most of the Sellers in China, seem to now have an EU address, but the Chinese email address on them to comply. Therefore, unless something goes wrong, Amazon will never know if anything can be actioned anyway, as most will email, not write.

It seems Amazon also want a photo to be added of the packaging with these details, but most listings do not show such, as yet.


1: Any suggestions for a good Company to deal with that offers: EU Europe Representative (EU Responsible Person) - at a reasonable price? - too many out there, but I've never heard of any of the Companies (do even some exist that are on the Chinese Sellers labels, as I do not want to write to any, and could it just be a forwarding address anyway, as most likely). A Representative in Ireland, the Netherlands or Malta, would be best as they virtually all speak English well. I assume the professional ones all include liability insurance?

2: If the brand owner does not bother registering, or even if registered not updating the listing, with photos, will the item be removed? - or just sold not by SFP/FBA. (often we cannot alter as Brand Registered, so as Sellers, even if the box shows details, the listing will be removed?) Mods know this one?

3: Some items I have bought mainly made in China, are not legal, and/or not safe, but they have the new EU Rep details on them, so clearly worthless having a Rep in the EU, as I am sure it is just a name/address, no one checking anything is safe, legal, etc.


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EU FBA Issue
by Seller_DJqWlEby6fi8n

Reposting this here as it is more on topic in this discussion group.

Serious problem with EFN, can anyone help? We are a UK own brand seller. We enrolled in the EFN program in the EU some time ago, and our products are stored in FBA warehousing in Spain. Because we are only VAT registered in Spain (not any other EU country), Amazon's rule is that products can only be stored in Spain. They are then distributed to customers both within Spain and in other EU countries. This works fine. However, the problem we are having is that when a customer returns a product that they bought in Germany (for example), this product is then sent back to FBA Germany. So far, also fine, because to abide by their own rules you would think Amazon would then forward the product back to FBA Spain (these are products in sellable condition). But they don't! Not only do they keep them in Germany (and other EU countries), they charge for storage there even though these products are not for sale because they are not in Spain. Also, because they are not in Spain when you go to Manage All Inventory and FBA Inventory, only the products in Spain FBA are listed. So we don't get proper visibility on those and these products outside Spain increase each time there is a return. And we are charged storage fees each month and now long term storage fees too, which are adding up. We have found out that only by doing a full Inventory Ledger report can these products be seen. We have contacted Seller Support and asked them these questions:

1. How do we stop returns being sent to non-Spain EU FBA warehouses?

2. How can we get the products that are already in non-Spain EU warehouse sent back to FBA Spain warehouses?

For number 1 we were initially told that the returns settings had been set up incorrectly but they were correct now, and that this would not happen again. However, it keeps happening.

For number 2 we were told that this is not possible, that they can only be sent to a third party address within the EU. We don't have such an address as we are UK based and rely on Amazon for warehousing.

We then contacted Seller Support again, and asked these questions:

A. Again, how do we stop returns being sent to non-Spain EU FBA warehouses?

B. As we did not request these products to be returned to non-Spain EU FBA warehouses (and this seems to be against Amazon's own policies), please can we be refunded the monies paid for non-Spain EU FBA storage fees?

C. As we don't have any address within the EU, if they cannot be sent back to Spain FBA our only option is to have these products destroyed (even though they are in sellable condition).

For A and B we received no response about this. For C we were sent information about how to send the products to a 3rd party address within the EU (which we don't have), and the question about destroying the products was ignored.

At this point we gave up with Seller Support and I contacted a third party Amazon service provider and asked them for a quote to get these products destroyed. They have now been looking into this for a week and they cannot yet find out how to do this.

Has anyone experienced a similar situation? Or if someone from Amazon would respond and help, even better. In all fairness we should really have the storage costs refunded, and be provided with a way to stop this happening again, otherwise it is a drain on our business and undermines the viability of the EFN program.







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Correcting our branded products
by Seller_9mEEQLv5WzgQM

We have a brand and sell various products under that brand, they are video games and annoyingly as soon as we announce a product someone creates a listing on Amazon for it, connecting it to our brand, before we can create our own listing. When we look at there listing they have input totally wrong information, and screenshots for different systems etc, which is a big no no in our industry, yet i am not able to correct this? I have raised an IP objection through Amazons system explaining that the information in the descriptions and screen shots are incorrect, yet they just reply with a message saying there is no infringement.

How can we get this corrected, or take ownership of the listing to ensure all the info is correct for the customer? we cant create our own as it just connects to this one and we still cant correct it? we have had this happen 3 times now.

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£20k VAT Bill???
by Seller_I5wGQjw11gOZS

I've just received an email (See below) that we owe amazon over £20,000 in VAT since they started collecting on our behalf 2 weeks ago...

There are a number of issues, we are established in the UK for VAT purposes, and we finally received an email from Amazon last week agreeing that. Our sales are just a few hundred pounds per day, not the tens of thousands it would need to be to generate this sort of bill!

Is anybody else having issues like this with the whole VAT/UK established rules??

"We previously communicated that we started collecting VAT on your sales for goods delivered to customers in the UK starting 21-Jun-24, because you are not established in the UK for VAT purposes.

We completed our final assessment, and determined the final VAT liability you owe is GBP 20757.51. Your final VAT liability may differ from the preliminary liability provided to you earlier, as we have finalized all your transactions which are eligible under this legislation. "

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Hello Sellers!

As you may be aware, Amazon’s Prime Day event is back on July 16 and 17.

As we gear up for the Prime Day event, it's essential that your business is fully prepared to make the most of this high-traffic sales period. To help you out, we've put together a comprehensive checklist to guide you through the key steps to getting your operations ready:

Inventory Management

  • Analyse your current inventory levels and forecast future demand to avoid stockouts.
  • Optimise your stock and minimise the risk of overselling.
  • Properly labeland organise your products for efficient fulfilment during the high-volume event.

Pricing and Promotions

  • Review your pricing strategy and consider implementing dynamic pricing or strategic discounts.
  • Leverage Amazon's promotional features, such as Lightning Deals and Vouchers, to increase visibility and drive sales.
  • Ensure your pricing and promotions align with Amazon's policies to provide a seamless customer experience.

Advertising and Marketing

  • Enhance your product listings with compelling content and eye-catching visuals to stand out.
  • Utilise Amazon's advertising solutions, like Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands, to boost product discoverability.
  • Plan your marketing campaigns in advance to create a cohesive and impactful Prime Day strategy.

Customer Service Readiness

  • Assess your customer service processes and ensure you have the resources to handle increased order volumes.
  • Familiarise yourself with Amazon's customer service policies and guidelines to provide the best possible support.
  • Consider offering enhanced customer service options, such as extended hours or expedited response times, to delight your customers.


  • Optimise product listings (titles, bullets, descriptions, images) for visibility and conversions
  • Review historical Prime Day performance data to improve strategies
  • Test inventory management, ordering, and shipping processes for increased volume
  • Plan for post-Prime Day influx of inquiries, returns, and reviews

By following this checklist, you'll be well on your way to a successful Prime Day. Let us know what else is on the preparation checklist for your business!

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Get Ready for Prime Day 2024!: Preparation Checklist
In reply to: Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr’s postby Seller_KlbXZHzQGSDZv

And if your FBA ensure you have done all this 2 moths ago to avoid all the delays that the merchant centres are experiencing.

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Can someone help me out in this..

Today morning a recieved an email from amazon saying i choosed individual entity because i didn’t want to register any buisness to get involved in vat filing and all stuff,now amazon giving a warning notification in my display to change the entity for the verification of my account,its happening right after submitting bank statement for account verification,even i created my account 5 months ago,please someone come up with the solution

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Help on warning from amazon Individual Seller to select buisness
In reply to: Seller_vDA16sXHVT3he’s postby Seller_Fg2fqaWOnEtha

If you sell little your self assessment will be short and easy on Excel but if you look around you will find software for around £10 a month that keeps track of everything you sell and spend. When it's time to fill your self assessment you just run a report. Obviously if your business is a success you will eventually need an accountant, but for the time being you can find other solutions without going insane.

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