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Results for "41찌라시상단노출 ⸨ 텔 FT24CS ⸩찌라시상단노출-찌라시상단노출-찌라시상단노출-찌라시상단노출-찌라시상단노출-찌라시상단노출-찌라시상단노출-찌라시상단노출-찌라시상단노출"

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A contact of mine sells on Amazon in France and Germany. They have tried to change the login email address, which appeared to be successful initially, but then 2-3 hours later when trying to login get this message:

Account locked temporarily

We have detected unusual activity on your account and have locked it temporarily. Please contact customer service for further assistance.

Reason for this post on their behalf is that the only apparent route to contact is via:

'' and '' respectively and both times have been asked for screen shots of the problem, from or .fr - neither of which can be replied to.

So he is stuck in a circle of one-way contact and unable to respond to customer demands - both accounts are still live and selling.

Anyone in the Amazon team able to help or provide a link to be able to contact Seller Support to resolve this?


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This is an ongoing issue that needs immediate attention. I am going to tag some other sellers that seem to be facing similar issues and hopefully, collectively we can escalate this.

There are certain brands that this seems to be a bigger issue in our catalogue but I would also say that no brand is safe. The main issues are, variations going missing overnight with no trace or explanation and vital attributes missing and we do not have permission to add these back.

Missing variations

I want to clearly outline some of the issues with the removal of variations. For clarity the variations that were being removed were random. There was no similarity in category or brand and it was never the entire brand or entire category.

  • Error 5461 - Consistently receiving this error and the response from seller support has been different every time. The previous batch where we had this issue, we were granted safety listing for a period of time. Upload would still see the errors coming through but we were able to manually create variations. These stuck for about a week before breaking again
  • Error 5461 round 2 - We are now being asked to submit seller applications to remove error 5461, this does not make sense as we would have submitted this application when we created the SKUs. Some of these were created 4+ years ago. The documents are old now so we would have to reach out to renew them which can take time. As I am sure many sellers and mods will sympathise with here, no one in the company is interested in spending time gathering this information just for the application approval to come through and not solving the issue.
  • Error 8032 - We are also seeing SKUs still attached to the parent that was removed. We have been told to add the parent ASIN to then delete and I'm sure you are already seeing the irony in this, but we are not approved to create variations as the same upload would have outlined, so we are going around in circles with this issue.

Missing Attributes

At the moment the main missing attributes are colour and size

  • Error 90004401 - We are consistently seeing this error that the colour or size has not been entered even though I will attached screenshots of the upload file as well as the upload file to show that this was in fact included when it was uploaded. I did manage to get on the phone and someone who outlined that the reason why we are getting this error even tho the information is there is because we are not approved.

It is impossible to sell like this and it affects some of our best-selling brands. Seller support seems just as confused as the sellers sometimes and cases go around and around with automated replies outlining why we are seeing errors and little to nothing is done about how to remove the errors.

More clarity is needed on why some variations are randomly being removed and why are some brand permissions are being revoked without warning.

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Customer placed an order with us a few hours ago, the delivery date is Friday 5th to Monday 8th and they are demanding we deliver by Thursday 4th or they will claim their money back! It's a £3 order so I can't upgrade to a faster postage and have explained that politely.

And you know if we cancel it, they will leave bad feedback. Any clues what to do?

We already offered twice to cancel it and they said no both times and insisted delivery will be Thursday 4th.

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DD+7 question
In reply to: Seller_9dIrIuWthiXwh’s postby Seller_NOoWfFKDHbsaV

My little pieces of experience with this "new" DD+7 system (coming onboard with it in January as a new seller, so I did not know anything different). I did and still find it hugely frustrating however things have got a little more predictable these days.

It will overall depend on how your sales come in and what you send them by and what you say they will be sent via! We use Amazon Shipping Automation with Royal Mail 48.

What we did notice is if we shipped via 1st or 2nd Class it didn't make any difference to when we got paid, it was the shipping estimated date that was used. We have since switched to using Royal Mail 24 / 48 (alongside Tracked 24 / 48 when needed), and as long as we do this via their Amazon Buy Shipping, the payments seem to be based on the actual dates they are delivered, which is usually faster than the estimated. Therefore we've really seen things really improve in terms of the speed of payments (8-9 days vs 2+ weeks) and are usually paid daily now but there is still huge room for improvement!

Overall I think it needs a rethink fast before it makes a really negative impact on sellers, they are officially the worst payers compared to the other three marketplaces we're on, and it's rather disappointing. I would love to see some rethinking on this policy, given sellers such as ourselves refunded just 2 orders < £5 in 1,000s over the past 6 months. It doesn't make much sense to have such a blanket policy like this for small businesses, but that's our opinion anyway!

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FBA customer return with no way to chat to customer to resolve
In reply to: Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr’s postby Seller_S86PC0SRVXyyC

Hello, thanks for your reply.

US marketplace >Manage Orders > All orders > list down to 'R' customer. Sorry, I seem to have copied the wrong order number- should be;

1 week ago


10:25 AM PDT


Yes we have a new video up, and plan to uprate it with subtitles bc people may not have sound on.

Maybe a controlled way of interracting if a return is requested? Say penalty points if a seller abuses the facility?

Just a thought.

Thanks. R.

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Hello everyone,

I’m facing a significant issue with my Amazon seller account and hoping the community can help.

I have received 4 policy violations on my account because the product listings did not specify the correct plug type under the power_plug_type attribute in the UK marketplace.

1. I attempted to update the listing on the product detail’s webpage, but the field is locked.

2. Seller Support advised me to correct this by uploading a product update via the product upload spreadsheet.

However, after downloading the correct spreadsheet, I am unable to locate the power_plug_type attribute in the spreadsheet to make the necessary changes. This has left me unable to resolve the violations.

I believe the instructions provided by Seller Support were incorrect or insufficient for addressing this locked attribute issue.

I am seeking clear, step-by-step guidance on how to properly update the power_plug_type attribute using the spreadsheet or any other method that would resolve the violations and unlock the attribute.

Additionally, the parent SKU’s violation has already been removed. We now just want the variations of the parent SKU to be resolved

Has anyone faced a similar issue or have any insights on how to proceed? Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thank you!

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Verification is pending for the last 2 months!!!!!
by Seller_01yYVMNi9gmgm


2 months ago a notification for verification of my account was received.

So, I uploaded all the required documents. Every time it was required minimun 10 business days for an update come to me. Last time I submitted the document, it was the right document and the amazon team rejected it without giving me sufficient explanation. Then I uploaded again the same EXACTLY file and that time they informed me that this was the right document but the verification process needs more time to be fully completed. This shows that they maybe do not even check the files( while the same document the first time was rejected and the second was right). They have stranded all my inventory and deactivated all my listings until the verification be completed. So, I cannot sell anything, I cannot contact anyone, there is no phone number to speak with a responsible person via phone(when I request a call back they DO NOT CALL ME). The seller support cannot do anything, they respond to me with automated responses and say that they are not able to help and forward my case to the verification team. When I ask when the verification will be completed? as in the dashboard officially writes"This verification can take up to 24 hours and in some cases up to 10 business days. During this period, your identity information cannot be processed.", they cannot confirm that the maximun number of days are 10 working days. I cannot understand how such a huge company has so inappropriate handling of such situations and lack of efficient service. I am very frustrated, no one contact me and I cannot know when I will be able to work again due to this.

Does anyone know what to do?

Please help me!

@Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR @Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4 @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH @Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN @Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP

Thank you,

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Trying to Close Redundant Seller Account
by Seller_VajgQxjPiejKy


I'm actually hoping someone from Amazon sees this message. We had a business that was unfortunately destroyed by the combination of covid, brexit and the cost of living crisis, and it had to be liquidated. We set up a new business that bought some of the assets from the liquidator, and where we're not doing anything nearly as big as we did previously we have started to sell on Amazon again via our new business. However, no matter how many times we ask Amazon to shut down that old account, nothing happens. We are nervous to start scaling our new business for fear of the old one being linked to our new business (which they have already done!) and if the old one is deactivated or suspended that it might cause our new one to also be suspended or deactivated for not doing some duty or another any control over it anymore), and for Amazon to then suspend or deactivate our new business due to there being a link between the two businesses.

Is there someone from Amazon who can tell me what I need to do to get that old business shut down once and for all? I've gone through the steps in the help to shut down the account. All requests are either ignored or marked as transferred, but nothing is ever actually done.

@Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR @Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN @Seller_iTgjdgiRqiPsn @Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH @Seller_fgtTzyHQfOM1x @Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4 @Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK

The liquidator has also written to Amazon and provided me with a digital copy of the letter, but still nothing is done and the account continues to loom over us. I am able to provide this letter, but can't post it on a public forum.

The Merchant Token is AS0ITQ3NPQKFO.

Can one of the Amazon people above help me please? Last year our new business was suspended over the most critical 3 weeks of Christmas because of the old account, and it caused us enormous financial difficulty because of it. Can't go through that again, and too nervous to scale in case we invest and then can't shift that stock due to suspensions.

Thank you,


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We disabled this settings under FBA settings and yet Amazon still keeps buying the product from us and selling it globally. On our listings we see the following offers of Amazon in the UK and Germany:

Sold by Amazon

Sold by Amazon EU

We created numerous cases to Amazon and we have been dealing with the issue for 3 months now with Amazon only saying "they escalated it to the internal team" The waiting game never ended.

What can we do to finally stop Amazon from buying our products to sell globally since we already disabled the settings.

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Blocked Products due to Bladed Policy
by Seller_tz74iYhHLULoK
Amazon replied

As the title suggests, we have had many of our products blocked for being in breach of Amazon's bladed policy in the UK, despite the products that we sell not being sold with blades, and despite the products being live on the platform for many years prior. As I understand, the UK has laws on bladed products which is forcing Amazon to block products containing baldes that do not comply with the guidelines stated here:

The products we sell are safety razors, yet these products do not contain blades. They are to be purchased separately. Permitted products as per the policy guidelines:

"Razor blades permanently enclosed in a cartridge or housing with less than 2 mm of blade exposed"

As these products do not contain blades, we believe that they can be sold - we still have variations available for sale along with other sellers who have not yet been blocked.

We cannot get past the first level support at Amazon and the issue has been ongoing for months. No matter how much we prove that the products are in essence, a lump of metal and contain no blades, they keep on hitting us with the bladed policy guidelines and we cannot proceed any further in having them unrestricted.

Is there any common sense to be had here?

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