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Do Amazon want third party sellers?
by Seller_Fg2fqaWOnEtha

Only in the past week Amazon has:

- changed many titles of the incense packs I sell, including adding to the title that the pack contains 100 sticks (yes a 15 g pack!)

- made it basically impossible to create new listings

- emailed a customer that their order was lost and to ask for a refund. It's a fully tracked order and it was definitely delivered but it's another A-Z on its way

- deactivated two products with the word molten in it as it's trademarked, even if the word was used as it should be used with it dictionary meaning. One has been reinstated after three emails, but I can't be bothered now with the second one, I feel like I am trying to empty a sinking boat with a teaspoon.

- deactivated a bottle of orange essential oil as people might drink it

- deactivated another type of frankincense incense because it's an illegal substance

Each of these issues requires several emails to Seller Support, I am a sole trader I can't spend so much time every week at trying to solve stupid issues on Amazon. I am exhausted.

I don't actually think it's deliberate, if Amazon didn't want third party sellers, it wouldn't have us full stop. I think it's because of incompetence, complacency and the belief that a combination of AI and badly trained staff can substitute real support. Well they can't.

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Listing multiple items that share the same EAN
by Seller_KJmU5xliSK0Bl

Can anyone give me some guidance before I waste hours only to be told it's not correct.

I am getting a new range in with various designs, however they share the same barcode, I don't want to list them as variations as there are sub-categories for them. Can someone guide me in the right direction in plain English please.

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De repente, y luego de más de 2 años vendiendo, Amazon de la noche a la mañana ha decidido quitarme la buy box de todos los productos de mi cartera. No entiendo ni porqué ha sucedido. Imagino que será porque tengo un problema de infracción y otro cliente ha denunciado un producto mío ya que el tiene la patente. Pero más allá de eso, no he hecho nada raro.

¿Alguien me podría ayudar para solucionar este tema? Llevo 5 días prácticamente sin ventas y con mis productos perdiendo posicionamiento.



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Received this email a while back. Has anyone managed to find how to put the cut off back to 11.59pm? The instructions in the email don't match what I see on screen!

Email below for reference:


We’re updating the default order cut-off time for Fulfilled by Merchant orders so that you can show faster delivery promises and help increase your chances of winning the featured offer.

Starting on March 10, 2025, the default order cut-off will change from 11:59 p.m. to 8 a.m. the following morning for orders with standard shipping (excluding orders with 0-day handling time). As most warehouses open in the morning, orders received between midnight to 8 a.m. are usually processed just as quickly as orders received the previous evening.

The order cut-off time determines the ship-by date for your orders. The ship-by date is calculated using the handling time that you set to pick, pack and ship the order. For example, after March 10, an order with 1-day handling time made before 8 a.m. on Wednesday would also have a ship-by date of end-of-day Wednesday.

If you prefer, you can change the default order cut-off time to any time between 11:59 p.m. and 8 a.m. To do this, go to Shipping settings > Order fulfilment settings > General order fulfilment settings and select your desired cut-off from the drop-down menu of “Standard delivery (excluding 0-day handling time)”.

Note: The customer-facing order cut-off time is one hour earlier than the cut-off time that you set.

For more information, go to Modify handling time.

The Amazon Services team

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Brand Registry Rejection Again.
by Seller_kXK2d2oK7UEeR

Can I get some help please?

I have been applying for brand registry for over a week, have been rejected about 10 times,

The product images that you provided do not display the label permanently affixed to the product or its packaging. The submitted pictures will be used solely for the purpose of reviewing your application, and customers will not have access to them.

I have tried many angles of my cup and logo, please advise.

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Subject: Urgent: A-to-Z Claim Fraud – Tracking Shows Delivered, But Refund Issued

Hi All,

I am reaching out to request assistance regarding an A-to-Z claim that was processed despite clear evidence showing that the parcel was delivered. The tracking information, which includes a delivery photo and GPS location, confirms that the order was successfully delivered to the buyer.

However, despite this proof, the buyer was refunded, and we are now facing a situation where we have been scammed. It is extremely disappointing to see that the A-to-Z claims process can be exploited in this way, especially when there is clear evidence supporting our case.

We are selling on other platforms as well, but it is becoming increasingly concerning that Amazon has become a platform where scammers can easily abuse the system and take advantage of honest sellers like us.

Can anyone assist with escalating this matter, as we are not receiving fair resolution despite the proof of delivery?

Thank you for your time and understanding.

Best regards, Adam

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Rimmel brand approval help
by Seller_TqWOtf9TPchYZ

Hi all,

Some advice and help would be appreciated I've followed all the guidelines attached invoice with 10 or more product Rimmel powder.

But I keep getting rejected time after time with the reason

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Hi all,

I have had a customer return a fake mobile phone today.

I get the impression this isn't the customers first time doing this. They opened a return request stating 'the wrong item was sent', they have then returned a fake mobile phone using Royal Mail Special Delivery, presumably so they have proof of me receiving and it gives the impression that whatever they were returning, they wanted insured.

I have contacted Amazon support, reported abuse & opened a case informing Amazon of this fairly elaborate scam however i have recieved no help whatsoever. I am trying to get ahead of this because i already know for a fact that as soon as i deny refund, or partially refund, the customer will open an A-Z claim and i will no doubt lose the £714.99 i sold it for.

The phone the customer has returned is a fake device with a made up Serial number & IMEI. I have sent pictures of this device to Amazon but they haven't even acknowledged them.

I am unable to open a Safe-T claim and at present am unsure what options i have here, if any?

I am in two minds as to whether to report this to the police as theft. Though i know that doesn't get me my money back...

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Hello Sellers!

I wanted to share some positive news regarding holiday shipping settings:

Easter Sunday 2025 (April 20, 2025) has been officially added to the holiday list in shipping settings

🔄 Easter Sunday will now be automatically added every year going forward! No more callouts needed!

💡 Pro Tip: It's always good practice to review your holiday settings at the start of each year, even with this automation in place.

I would like to thank @Seller_Nprc5XWvdLYk9 for their annual proactive outreach and request to update the holiday list. Thank you for the great teamwork!

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Hey forum,

We sell a brand that we buy from authorised distributor. They only sell to trade, we have proper invoices.

We received a message from another seller, who seem to be a distributor as well, but they sell B2C too. This distributor contacted us in the past asking if we would be interested to be buying this brand from them, on a condition that we do not sell it on Amazon. We refused. Now they say they are "official representative on a territory", and if we would "focus on other brands, and stop selling that particular one".

Now we called our distributor and asked them to confirm with brand manufacturer if there's any exclusivity etc. Brand manufacturer confirmed there isn't and they have several distributors, but none have any special conditions or limitations. We asked to get email from brand manufacturer stating specifically that we can sell their brand on Amazon. Our distributor promised to sort it on Monday.

Is this end of the story? Once we have email from brand manufacturer, we are very much inclined to ignore that seller. Can they cause damage in any other way?

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