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Is anyone else seeing the following message when they go into their account info tab? It appeared yesterday.

'You currently have limited access to Amazon selling services.

We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with this tool and are working on resolving this issue. Please try again in 15 minutes'.

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Selling seeds from the UK
by Seller_rNn5pTHY8V9DA

As Brexit idiots ruined the Uk by impossing economic sanctions on itself, I'm now unable to sell seeds to the EU from UK. Despite this, Amazon plague me with emails about selling in the EU. I've even deactivated all other stores apart from UK store, but Amazon still bombard me with EU store updates.

Any way I can get them to stop this nonsense?

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DHL eCommerce VTR
by Seller_VljcWSwxyb3V5

Good evening sellers,

We've had a sudden drop in our VTR due to a load of DHL eCommerce shipments. We have been using this service via Veeqo for almost 2 years now without an issue. Seller Support have advised it is due to us selecting the wrong service but as I have said, nothing has changed. All of the shipments in question have valid tracking... Is this just an error on Amazon's end and has anyone else had something similar happen?

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Competitor Abuse and Threats
by Seller_SDm30lChhdirQ

I have received 2 messages via Amazon by a product competitor. In each case they have made several orders only to cancel them.

Then they threaten to sabotage my business unless I delete my listing... I have reported both messages via the correct routes, however, they take no action. There is a clear case in written confession by the abuser but nothing is done. So what can be done and why do Amazon tolerate bullying on their platform??

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Comunication with Amazon Sellers in UK
by Seller_wB64Q0BRiqNPD

I opened a UK business back in 2018 and it was soon closed after Brexit ordeal. My inventory was lost.

Since then I have been getting billed regularly from Amazon UK. what for? I have no idea. It is impossible to ask the question. It is an endless loop. Get Help > Select Store > United Kingdom > select service {The only one available to select is selling on amazon.} > Then there is only one option - Listing and selling on From there I go to create an issue tab and I am put back in the loop.

Has anyone been able to contact any sort of help desk in the UK?

I can do it in the States, just not here.

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randomly had the deposit method verification sprung on my account, so all money coming in has just stopped,

submitted all the requested info and bank account details as soon as i realised that was the issue (although i had no communication from amazon to say it needed verifying)

contacted seller support numerous times which is a waste of time they just pass you about and say they will raise it, but i hear nothing back

its a new business and i cant wait over a month for my money to come in, when amazon are happily charging my account for fees and ads but wont give me any of my money back

ive waited over the 15 working days period and still nothing, i need it verifying asap can some on help

thank you

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Do I need to reactivate my account to close it?
by Seller_K13iCQpaOMNxF
  • I used the account to sell a book I'd written
  • Ran out of stock a couple of years ago
  • I suspect Amazon need KYC info
  • Don't know how to get them to request info.

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Hello All,

I thought it was just a few very slow days, but NO orders and have the above message...

Can Forum Moderators help? @Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN @Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP@Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR

All Best


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How to get more Vine claims?
by Seller_UGwQ00S8hDZJz


Is there any option to get more Vine claims faster?

From experience, sometimes we end up with not all enrolled units claimed within 90 days period.

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Jersey and Channel Islands Orders
by Seller_TnBH4Q213xF7r

Jersey and Channel Islands Orders

Am I correct in saying, as Amazon want to deduct VAT from an item that is ZERO VAT, the only way around this issue is to remove The Channel Islands from Shipping Settings, so all those Buyers lose out?

This would apply to Sellers that are not VAT registered and Sellers that sell 0% VAT items (eg Books)

Eg: £300 item, they deduct £50 even though no VAT to deduct.

SS as usual are not helpful

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Subject: Urgent: A-to-Z Claim Fraud – Tracking Shows Delivered, But Refund Issued

Hi All,

I am reaching out to request assistance regarding an A-to-Z claim that was processed despite clear evidence showing that the parcel was delivered. The tracking information, which includes a delivery photo and GPS location, confirms that the order was successfully delivered to the buyer.

However, despite this proof, the buyer was refunded, and we are now facing a situation where we have been scammed. It is extremely disappointing to see that the A-to-Z claims process can be exploited in this way, especially when there is clear evidence supporting our case.

We are selling on other platforms as well, but it is becoming increasingly concerning that Amazon has become a platform where scammers can easily abuse the system and take advantage of honest sellers like us.

Can anyone assist with escalating this matter, as we are not receiving fair resolution despite the proof of delivery?

Thank you for your time and understanding.

Best regards, Adam

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