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Many sellers reported that they reviewed for more than 1 month, or even 2 months. Every time we open a CASE, customer service keeps us waiting.

I'm a seasonal seller, selling winter products. I sent hundreds of thousands of pounds to sell. My sales time was only a few months. If my link is shut down and can't be sold in winter because of the long review time, it will cause a huge loss.

Request a expert team to expedite my review.









@Maja_Amazon @Winston_Amazon @Julia_Amazon @Ezra_Amazon

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@Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK @Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR @Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr

I requested for an extension to my DD+7 Policy but received no reply yet. Can you please help me get this extension. No response from these emails!

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It's been 2 months since I lost my buy box for the 3rd time in less than 4/5 months.

Why is there not a permanent solution to this issue?

Case ID: 10372436562

I have gone to Megathread. I have opened cases. NO SOLUTION. 2 MONTHS HAVE PASSED.

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Amazon is not responding to my cases
by Seller_Z1cL6dI9uacNU

Hi Amazon Support,

I'm writing to follow up on the following pending cases:

1. #10077642342

2. #10105310682

3. #10128896752

4. #10180242802

5. #10181266002

6. #10202555102

Despite numerous follow-ups over an extended period, our issues remain unresolved or transferred to the relevant team without resolution. We kindly request:

1. An update on the current status of each case.

2. An estimated timeframe for resolution.

3. Expedited attention to resolve these long-pending issues.

Your prompt assistance is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

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Question about packaging
by Seller_ypYGRxUWH8j4c

Hello beautiful people,I hope you are doing well!I am planning to sell this product that is on the picture.I will send around 20-40 items in one box.Do I need to make some extra packaging for each one to be sent to customers or amazon will deal with it? Only bar codes has to be sticked, right?

Thanks for helping in advance.

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Verification of credit card needed
by Seller_RSl9MQG7xtBGs

Any help on this would be much appreciated. I am trying to verify my credit card - when I initially did this I was trying to verify in the UK market ( When doing this, I would approve the £1 payment on my app, but would get an error message on the amazon account 'unable to verify card'.

Now, when I am trying to verify card, it isnt even giving me the UK market as an option (the other market places are all still there, the UK one has just disappeared). I have tried verifying in other market places and once I approve the payment through my account it just comes up a blank screen and once I close that down, nothing has gone through.

Any ideas?

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ASIN does not exist in this marketplace.
by Seller_Y3nqJlt1k6bh1

My build source is the UK and I have can enable other European countries by toggling option to enable BIL however the Germany market simply states ASIN does not exist in this marketplace. I want to sell in Germany without losing existing reviews. Seller support don't seem to understand the issue and keep suggesting I rebuild the listing in Germany. They don't seem to understand that I want to keep my reviews.

How do I overcome this issue?

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How do you report a seller who is falsely rebranding products and preventing other sellers from listing them through Intellectual Property Complaints. This seller has transformed multiple branded products into their own brand, despite those products clearly belonging to established companies. Their whole shop consists of braded items that have been changed to their own brand.

Is there a way to report this seller, rather than having to open a separate case for each individual product? Unfortunately, it seems the automated systems have not detected that the GTINs are linked to the original brands, allowing this practice to continue.

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Erro FBA-SSR-10002
by Seller_g1x8K461GKskz

I am getting FBA-SSR-10002 this error, and unable to register for FBA, I also talked with the seller support team, they are unable to help me. I hardly requesting to Amazon to solve this error or suggest me how can I solve this problem.

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DD +7 - what a con!
by Seller_58y2FhNkywdyp

well, gone onto this new system and its amazing how long they intend to hold onto my money.

firstly i seem to have lost daily disbursements so when the amounts finally get cleared (normal 2nd class so just over a week plus 7 days) i have to wait in some cases for another fortnight for the fortnightly payout.

plus the 4 to 5 days the bank transfer takes!

also although the individual transaction for each order appears on the list within 30 minutes, its taking a further 2 days to update the deferred balance!

what a con!

rant done



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