I have received a "Product Authenticity Customer Complaint” for a DVD movie product. I am left with 2 choises but I cannot choose either:
1. "Understand the policy and acknowledge the violation." I cannot acknowledge something that it not true (because I sell only authentic products and I know that the product in question was not inauthentic).
2. I cannot also choose the second option ("I understand the policy and have evidence or documentation to submit for review to confirm my compliance with the policy."). The reason for that is that I do not have invoices or receipts about this item that would be less than 365 days old. The DVD in question has been out of print for years so these last units are already several years old. I am specialized in selling rare, out of print and discontinued DVD and Blu-ray films from different European countries. I have hundreds of films for sale that date from 20-25 years ago, when I started selling online.
I am also unable to speak with an account health specialist. When I answer their call they ask me to put in a 3-number code. When I do that, they say it is incorrect. I have done this a dozen times over several days. I was able to talk with seller support, who understood my situation. She also adviced and engouraged me to write an appeal. I did it but of course Amazon did not accept it. They insist on 1 or 2, which I cannot do, for the above reasons.
In my "appeal" I also wrote that they could compare the last of my units they have to the ones that Amazon EU is currently selling. They would see that they are the same product.
I also mentioned that both the Voice of the Customer and product feedback for this product is all good. I have also not received any negative feedback for the 6 (!!) units I have sold over the years. My guess is that the anonymous buyer who claimed this as "not real" (that is the only thing I can see) was put off that there were some none-English copyright text on the DVD (it is a Nordic release).
Also, my seller performance is all good for the 13+ years I have been selling here.
How can I solve this Catch-22 situation?