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Hello Sellers!

As you may be aware, Amazon’s Prime Day event is back on July 16 and 17.

As we gear up for the Prime Day event, it's essential that your business is fully prepared to make the most of this high-traffic sales period. To help you out, we've put together a comprehensive checklist to guide you through the key steps to getting your operations ready:

Inventory Management

  • Analyse your current inventory levels and forecast future demand to avoid stockouts.
  • Optimise your stock and minimise the risk of overselling.
  • Properly labeland organise your products for efficient fulfilment during the high-volume event.

Pricing and Promotions

  • Review your pricing strategy and consider implementing dynamic pricing or strategic discounts.
  • Leverage Amazon's promotional features, such as Lightning Deals and Vouchers, to increase visibility and drive sales.
  • Ensure your pricing and promotions align with Amazon's policies to provide a seamless customer experience.

Advertising and Marketing

  • Enhance your product listings with compelling content and eye-catching visuals to stand out.
  • Utilise Amazon's advertising solutions, like Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands, to boost product discoverability.
  • Plan your marketing campaigns in advance to create a cohesive and impactful Prime Day strategy.

Customer Service Readiness

  • Assess your customer service processes and ensure you have the resources to handle increased order volumes.
  • Familiarise yourself with Amazon's customer service policies and guidelines to provide the best possible support.
  • Consider offering enhanced customer service options, such as extended hours or expedited response times, to delight your customers.


  • Optimise product listings (titles, bullets, descriptions, images) for visibility and conversions
  • Review historical Prime Day performance data to improve strategies
  • Test inventory management, ordering, and shipping processes for increased volume
  • Plan for post-Prime Day influx of inquiries, returns, and reviews

By following this checklist, you'll be well on your way to a successful Prime Day. Let us know what else is on the preparation checklist for your business!

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This is an ongoing issue that needs immediate attention. I am going to tag some other sellers that seem to be facing similar issues and hopefully, collectively we can escalate this.

There are certain brands that this seems to be a bigger issue in our catalogue but I would also say that no brand is safe. The main issues are, variations going missing overnight with no trace or explanation and vital attributes missing and we do not have permission to add these back.

Missing variations

I want to clearly outline some of the issues with the removal of variations. For clarity the variations that were being removed were random. There was no similarity in category or brand and it was never the entire brand or entire category.

  • Error 5461 - Consistently receiving this error and the response from seller support has been different every time. The previous batch where we had this issue, we were granted safety listing for a period of time. Upload would still see the errors coming through but we were able to manually create variations. These stuck for about a week before breaking again
  • Error 5461 round 2 - We are now being asked to submit seller applications to remove error 5461, this does not make sense as we would have submitted this application when we created the SKUs. Some of these were created 4+ years ago. The documents are old now so we would have to reach out to renew them which can take time. As I am sure many sellers and mods will sympathise with here, no one in the company is interested in spending time gathering this information just for the application approval to come through and not solving the issue.
  • Error 8032 - We are also seeing SKUs still attached to the parent that was removed. We have been told to add the parent ASIN to then delete and I'm sure you are already seeing the irony in this, but we are not approved to create variations as the same upload would have outlined, so we are going around in circles with this issue.

Missing Attributes

At the moment the main missing attributes are colour and size

  • Error 90004401 - We are consistently seeing this error that the colour or size has not been entered even though I will attached screenshots of the upload file as well as the upload file to show that this was in fact included when it was uploaded. I did manage to get on the phone and someone who outlined that the reason why we are getting this error even tho the information is there is because we are not approved.

It is impossible to sell like this and it affects some of our best-selling brands. Seller support seems just as confused as the sellers sometimes and cases go around and around with automated replies outlining why we are seeing errors and little to nothing is done about how to remove the errors.

More clarity is needed on why some variations are randomly being removed and why are some brand permissions are being revoked without warning.

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Premium Delivery Elgibilty
by Seller_Y9fFZ8oEs17ES

Here is a good one I have had my Premium Delivery Eligibility removed for a shipment that was shipped 15 minutes after order was received and delivered on time. I have been sent an email asking for a plan of action to address the root causes of this on time shipment and delivery.

My plan of action - to continue to ship and deliver on time - rejected.

Amazon is becoming an absolute joke


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I am a UK registered business but not VAT registered

I have submitted all relevant paper work (Driving licence, Companies House documents, supplier invoice) to show that my business is registered in the United Kingdom and that I am a UK citizen, but Amazon are saying I owe them a sum of money for VAT and are now charging VAT on UK purchases.

Is this correct?

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I have recently started selling on Amazon. Only one product.

I received a copyright / patent claim against it. I have provided 4 individually written reprorts and letters. Outlining my product is not the same shape but etc, but I keep getting stock answers asking me to speak to the person who raised the claim. The patent referenced in the claim isn't valid its14 digits long. Patents ar 8. I have called Amazon seller support but they have referred me to FBAsupport who just repeat the written email.

I am not in a position to hold forever, and speaking to the "claimant" would be counter productive. Can someone help me? Do I do an unvalidation process on the false reference? Or is their someone else at Amazon who can help? Copyright claim dying because you can copyright a colour or a football target being curved to strike people off.

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我开的case ID 9886278562,9957726662,但是客服都是模板回复,完全没有帮助。我自己搞回来了1次,又丢失了。我服了啊!

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Operating FBA business from outside UK.
by Seller_1Vle0ud4Vuei2

Dear all, I have a few confusions regarding my seller account and need your help. I hope someone with experience will come forward & help me solve the issue here. Alright, so the issue is that I used to live in the UK & opened my Amazon seller account there. It's almost 10 years old. But in 2021, I left the UK & back to my home country. Right now, I am living & working for a company in saudi. A few things to note: I didn't change my address or bank account. I managed to change my phone number and am using it as my main contact number. I still have access to my Halifax bank account and my UK address.

So my question is: Will Amazon allow me to sell from Saudi Arabia or my home country? If they do, which address should I use? Should I change my address and phone number to my home country, or can I use all my UK details to sell here? If I change my country of residence, will it affect my account in any way? Also i am planning to start the PL soon & will start set up company & trademark.

Please, if you have experience with the same issue, know someone who does, or know what to do, I urge you to help me. I would really appreciate your help. Thanks.

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Please I am new and I purchase a product from China with colour and size variations.

I am listing my product variations but it says I need to provide Standard Product Identifier for each variation.

I have a Product ID from my China Manufacturer but he says it is not GS1 approved.

How can I resolve this please?

Thanks for your help.

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Price editing issue
by Seller_d6YmCQPu1PgLa

I am facing an issue with the price editing feature on Amazon Seller Central. When I attempt to change the price, it does not update. Could someone please assist in resolving this problem? I have attached a screenshot highlighting the issue I am encountering.

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First Scan Refunds Not Working, so then A-Z Claim.
by Seller_TnBH4Q213xF7r


Hopefully the Mods can help on this.

Amazon now seem to expect Sellers to be responsible before the item arrives back with them.

This has unfairly impacted on our Account, as well as a financial loss.

Example: 205-5085827-5028364 .

Buyer ordered by mistake, so Buyer Remorse. Amazon told us to issue a pre-paid postage return label, and we do so within 48 hours as detailed. As a Buyer Remorse item, the Buyer pays for the return.

RMA issued, showed return postage cost, tracking number, etc. We had also emailed the Buyer with the details and reminding about the return postage cost, and they could buy that elsewhere if they wanted to.

They return the parcel, using the RM label we provided, but it gets delivered to a neighbour on the Wednesday, which was handed to us on the Friday. (We had not realised at the time it was a neighbour, we thought someone from Royal Mail, but realised after when tracking, as we check details and log).

There was an issue with the Amazon system on the Friday (28 June), we raised a case about this after it was working again on the Monday (the next Business day).

On the Monday, we update the return, tick the box to confirm the return postage is charged. Everything seems to be ok, as all refunded at the amounts as per the email and on the RMA. (NO deductions, even though it was not really as new, it had been used, screen protector removed, so marked, box marked, etc).

The Buyer raised an A-Z Claim, saying the wrong reason, but admitting in the notes that it was ordered in error.

Firstly, should a First Scan refund have applied? (seems SS are unsure if that should apply if the Seller issues the RM label, it was not an automated one by Amazon, BUT, was the tracking number on the RMA still).

Maybe not a First Scan Refund, then why was an A-Z Claim even allowed due to the reason of not obtaining a refund of the return postage, which was input in the RMA system, and was the only deduction. The A-Z Claim was also AFTER the correct refund, so not the Buyer saying not refunded at all).

The Buyer won, and Appeal denied as they say the refund should have been done on the day the Amazon system malfunctioned.

Ironically, Amazon themselves never seem to refund anything I've returned within 2 days, unless a First Scan refund item. They said to me to wait 3 weeks to chase. Double standards again, Amazon staff can take 3 weeks, Sellers must action refunds in 2 days.

So, are Sellers now having to keep checking all RM labels issued, as how are we supposed to know an item has arrived back, until with us. We have had parcels delivered to neighbours previously, something we cannot predict, usually dropped in the next day, or day after. Besides, in this case it was only a refund of return postage, everything had been refunded, it was only a day and a bit delay for the neighbiuring business to drop into us, as the Postie had delivered to them.

It would be useful like eBay to get an email to say when something arrives, then if an issue, we could check. 2 days is also no time to check an item, longer should be allowed, like Amazon allow to their own staff!

Have other Sellers had the same issue and First Scan refunds done on Seller issued postage return labels?

If First Scan done, again no A-Z Claims should be possible for things like this.

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All FBA Products lose buying button
by Seller_hymL3CqQvcmW0

my all products lose the buying button,i have check the cread card,account performance,feedback and so on.All our metrics are fine,but all my listing dont have buying this a bug on amazon ?(note: all the inventory is FBA)

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