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Hello Sellers!

As you may be aware, Amazon’s Prime Day event is back on July 16 and 17.

As we gear up for the Prime Day event, it's essential that your business is fully prepared to make the most of this high-traffic sales period. To help you out, we've put together a comprehensive checklist to guide you through the key steps to getting your operations ready:

Inventory Management

  • Analyse your current inventory levels and forecast future demand to avoid stockouts.
  • Optimise your stock and minimise the risk of overselling.
  • Properly labeland organise your products for efficient fulfilment during the high-volume event.

Pricing and Promotions

  • Review your pricing strategy and consider implementing dynamic pricing or strategic discounts.
  • Leverage Amazon's promotional features, such as Lightning Deals and Vouchers, to increase visibility and drive sales.
  • Ensure your pricing and promotions align with Amazon's policies to provide a seamless customer experience.

Advertising and Marketing

  • Enhance your product listings with compelling content and eye-catching visuals to stand out.
  • Utilise Amazon's advertising solutions, like Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands, to boost product discoverability.
  • Plan your marketing campaigns in advance to create a cohesive and impactful Prime Day strategy.

Customer Service Readiness

  • Assess your customer service processes and ensure you have the resources to handle increased order volumes.
  • Familiarise yourself with Amazon's customer service policies and guidelines to provide the best possible support.
  • Consider offering enhanced customer service options, such as extended hours or expedited response times, to delight your customers.


  • Optimise product listings (titles, bullets, descriptions, images) for visibility and conversions
  • Review historical Prime Day performance data to improve strategies
  • Test inventory management, ordering, and shipping processes for increased volume
  • Plan for post-Prime Day influx of inquiries, returns, and reviews

By following this checklist, you'll be well on your way to a successful Prime Day. Let us know what else is on the preparation checklist for your business!

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cant repelnish FBA stock
by Seller_bnyrSsQarlyuT


i have just tried to send in more FBA stock...It says error..product inelligible to send to Amazon with a manufacturer barcode..remove the product from the shipment and recreate the offer with an Amazon barcode....but the ASIN is the Amazon barcode and always has been...

it has never done this before and no amendments have been made to the product has never done this before..any ideas?


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Buy Shipping and More Amazon A-Z ODR's affected
by Seller_uBuqlxbTdzcn2

Hi Mods

I have commented on a previous thread of mine tagging @Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEKbut with no response, I now have a further 2 A-Z where the ODR is against me and the shipping was purchased via Amazon Buy Shipping, even though it is more expensive than my business account, I have purchased this way to protect my ODR.

Can you please look into the following order numbers and reverse the ODR in accordance with the Amazon Terms and Conditions when buying shipping. The money has been refunded from my account and the ODR is against me. This is wrong and I really don't understand that when it is so clear the ODR is protected, that each time it is against me. I have appealed all of them, the first one came back unchanged, the bottom 2 I have only just appealed but I know from previous that they will both come back unchanged. Why can't Amazon just adhere to their own T&C instead of causing us all more work and time.




I sell on other platforms, a lot more quantities than I do on Amazon, all are sent first class yet the other platforms don't have this none arrival rate at all so I believe it is customers playing the system knowing they can just click the A-Z and get their money back, especially when they receive "running late/lost" message as I also have a few Amazon customers contact me saying it's not lost it's arrived. Surely after all this time this really needs looking into. I have sold on Amazon for over 20 years and it has got so much worse lately. I can't believe that it is only the Amazon items not arriving and all the other items from all the other platforms are all arriving safely. So frustrating.

Please help @Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4@Seller_iTgjdgiRqiPsn

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Amazon believes my invoices to be manipulated
by Seller_nPJ18nh2H2Wld

Hi all and , Hoping for some real guidance here.

I have had a product authenticity complaint submitted by a customer approximately 2 months ago. I have been battling it with account health and seem to be getting nowhere.

I have submitted bank statements, tracking ID, pdf documents of conversations and emails in which the invoices were sent to myself yet I am still being rejected.

In the latest update, they are accusing me of altering invoices but will not tell me why they believe this so I can clear their concerns.

The invoices are provided by the supplier and downloaded by me to be submitted to Amazon for review. They have been sent the email in which the invoices have been sent directly to me yet they still accuse me of altering them. I have no idea where they have gotten this information from.

I have been told to either provide a 3rd (Non-existent) invoice to verify this, which i obviously cannot do, or accept the violation and lose out on selling one of my best selling products. Account health are very little help if not zero as the review team has told them that they will not disclose why they believe this to be the case.

I am unsure where to go from here.

For any Amazon staff to view please see the latest Case ID : 9960863572

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I'm trying to prepare my 2 articles for Prime Day with discounts, one article is fine but the other had this error.. which I don't understand.. If anyone can help I'd be grateful.. during a. chat they couldn't manage to solve it.. in reality I don't understand what it means.

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by Seller_4SWCV1QhFNznN

The shipment of IOSS orders must meet specific customs requirements. If you are shipping directly to the customer, you must provide the Amazon IOSS VAT identification number, VAT exclusive order value and Order ID to your shipping partner or customs broker

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Hello everyone,

My account was deactived because Amazon needs proof of residence for my registred business address in the UK. However, I don't live in the UK but in France. This is the message I keep receiving :

I've got to know that there is an existing topic abut this here :

It says that :

I understand that I need to inform Amazon by "selecting the appropriate option in the banner at the top of my account health page" but I can't find it.

Would you please help?

Thank you in advance.

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Premium Delivery Elgibilty
by Seller_Y9fFZ8oEs17ES

Here is a good one I have had my Premium Delivery Eligibility removed for a shipment that was shipped 15 minutes after order was received and delivered on time. I have been sent an email asking for a plan of action to address the root causes of this on time shipment and delivery.

My plan of action - to continue to ship and deliver on time - rejected.

Amazon is becoming an absolute joke


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Getting access again to US and Canada Marketplace
by Seller_uatdDhbQPI2HU

hello, how would i regain access to united states market place? says its terminated and currently going through reactivation process for europe markets but it wont let me regain or add us market place

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Just doing my admin in preparation for Monday - It looks as though "Automated Handling time" was activated on my settings at about 17h00 yesterday.

I've not requested this - it seems to have been been activated automatically.

Anyone else experienced this?

Have I missed a comunication?


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by Seller_uatdDhbQPI2HU

hello, it says US and canada are "terminated" but those are my main markets i sell in. how can i get access back to those markets?

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