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Extending DD7 Policy Exclusion
by Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK
Amazon replied

Dear Sellers,


If you need to extend the DD7 policy exclusion until September 2025 for your Amazon seller account, please follow these steps:

1. Send an email request from your Amazon email address to

2. In the email, make sure to include your Merchant token. Your Merchant token is a unique identifier for your seller account, and it's essential to include it in the email for proper identification and processing of your request.

3. Once you've sent the email with your Merchant token, Amazon will review your request and provide further instructions or assistance as needed.

If you have any further questions or need assistance, please feel free to comment this post.

Thank you,


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No Disbursement Possible
by Seller_5el4WAbBdKX1z
Amazon replied

We have a large Account Level Reserve out of the blue on our account and we are unable to disburse any money whatsoever.

Is this amazon wide, or is there something up with our account.

It doesn't say anything about a rolling reserve, just can't disburse whatsoever.

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Hi, my listing was removed for a 'Customer Product Reviews Policy Violation,' I am brand registered on this product and have followed Amazon's guidelines to the best of my knowledge. I am not the only seller on the listing however I place frequent test buys to make sure the other sellers are complying with Amazon and my guidelines.

I have appealed twice however both times have been unsuccessful.

Amazon are not providing a specific reason as to why the listing has been taken down. I am not sure on what the next steps are.

Please advise

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I recently created a business account type with a LTD company. I had few listings and units were getting sold. I have sold few units without any issues. I received payments from amazon into my bank account for those sales

Then, I decided to switch from individual selling to professional selling plan ( i know the difference between the account type and selling plans) , my account was deactivated and I knew this would happen as I have read in forums here.

I was told to provide a utility bill to reactivate my account.

Submitted a mobile bill (got rejected)

Submitted a wifi internet bill (got rejected) made few calls and was told to reapply

Submitted electricty bill (got rejected)

All details in all of these bills matched with the information on my amazon account letter by letter and number by number. Having an active card on file.

After few calls to inquire, I was told by an agent on call that the team has decided not to reinstate your account, which I means I will never be able to sell again on amazon. I asked for details and I was told due to confidentiality the reason cannot be provided (even though I am the account owner)

Just can't believe it can be so reasonless that you ban someone from selling without any reason.

Does this mean I should just give up or is there anything that can be done?. Another hope of being able to do something is also gone :)

Any assistance or advice is much appreciated.

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EFN Problem
by Seller_DJqWlEby6fi8n

Serious problem with EFN, can anyone help? We are a UK own brand seller. We enrolled in the EFN program in the EU some time ago, and our products are stored in FBA warehousing in Spain. Because we are only VAT registered in Spain (not any other EU country), Amazon's rule is that products can only be stored in Spain. They are then distributed to customers both within Spain and in other EU countries. This works fine. However, the problem we are having is that when a customer returns a product that they bought in Germany (for example), this product is then sent back to FBA Germany. So far, also fine, because to abide by their own rules you would think Amazon would then forward the product back to FBA Spain (these are products in sellable condition). But they don't! Not only do they keep them in Germany (and other EU countries), they charge for storage there even though these products are not for sale because they are not in Spain. Also, because they are not in Spain when you go to Manage All Inventory and FBA Inventory, only the products in Spain FBA are listed. So we don't get proper visibility on those and these products outside Spain increase each time there is a return. And we are charged storage fees each month and now long term storage fees too, which are adding up. We have found out that only by doing a full Inventory Ledger report can these products be seen. We have contacted Seller Support and asked them these questions:

1. How do we stop returns being sent to non-Spain EU FBA warehouses?

2. How can we get the products that are already in non-Spain EU warehouse sent back to FBA Spain warehouses?

For number 1 we were initially told that the returns settings had been set up incorrectly but they were correct now, and that this would not happen again. However, it keeps happening.

For number 2 we were told that this is not possible, that they can only be sent to a third party address within the EU. We don't have such an address as we are UK based and rely on Amazon for warehousing.

We then contacted Seller Support again, and asked these questions:

A. Again, how do we stop returns being sent to non-Spain EU FBA warehouses?

B. As we did not request these products to be returned to non-Spain EU FBA warehouses (and this seems to be against Amazon's own policies), please can we be refunded the monies paid for non-Spain EU FBA storage fees?

C. As we don't have any address within the EU, if they cannot be sent back to Spain FBA our only option is to have these products destroyed (even though they are in sellable condition).

For A and B we received no response about this. For C we were sent information about how to send the products to a 3rd party address within the EU (which we don't have), and the question about destroying the products was ignored.

At this point we gave up with Seller Support and I contacted a third party Amazon service provider and asked them for a quote to get these products destroyed. They have now been looking into this for a week and they cannot yet find out how to do this.

Has anyone experienced a similar situation? Or if someone from Amazon would respond and help, even better. In all fairness we should really have the storage costs refunded, and be provided with a way to stop this happening again, otherwise it is a drain on our business and undermines the viability of the EFN program.







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Amazon! Please STOP doing this!
by Seller_ae51e0CJoHqCX

Many experienced sellers will fortunately get this email from the honest customers from time to time.

The reason a customer has sent me this is probably (yes I am only assuming) they have received a notification from Amazon since it has not received a scan at their end. For every one of these I receive, I will get 2 or 3 that will write and say that they have not received it. I therefore have no option but to refund or swallow an A-Z Claim.

Amazon know full well this is not right and yet they continue to do it. Why? Where's the benefit?

This sort of behaviour only promotes potential fraud and dishonesty. It serves no benefit to the an honest customer as shown below. It serves no benefit to Amazon. It serves no benefit to the seller (in fact it punishes the seller). It only serves benefit to someone that sees an opportunity to make a fraudulent claim that will ultimately get support from Amazon to make a false claim.

I just don't get it. Here is a copy and paste of the exact message I received just this morning from a low value order.

Hi this item has been delivered even though it is showing as lost

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Just doing my admin in preparation for Monday - It looks as though "Automated Handling time" was activated on my settings at about 17h00 yesterday.

I've not requested this - it seems to have been been activated automatically.

Anyone else experienced this?

Have I missed a comunication?


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Ficha de seguridad en productos cosméticos
by Seller_fRLxKCaQ9icPt

Hola, tengo una consulta acerca de la nueva normativa sobre la inclusión del certificado de seguridad en el portal de Amazon para productos cosméticos. Tengo una pregunta respecto a esto:

¿Debo subir la ficha de seguridad que me soliciten en la plataforma o debo subir fichas de seguridad para todos mis productos cosméticos?

Agradezco su orientación al respecto.

Saludos cordiales.

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Operating FBA business from outside UK.
by Seller_1Vle0ud4Vuei2

Dear all, I have a few confusions regarding my seller account and need your help. I hope someone with experience will come forward & help me solve the issue here. Alright, so the issue is that I used to live in the UK & opened my Amazon seller account there. It's almost 10 years old. But in 2021, I left the UK & back to my home country. Right now, I am living & working for a company in saudi. A few things to note: I didn't change my address or bank account. I managed to change my phone number and am using it as my main contact number. I still have access to my bank account and my UK address.

So my question is: Will Amazon allow me to sell from Saudi Arabia or my home country? If they do, which address should I use? Should I change my address and phone number to my home country, or can I use all my UK details to sell here? If I change my country of residence, will it affect my account in any way? Also i am planning to start the PL soon & will start set up company & trademark.

Please, if you have experience with the same issue, know someone who does, or know what to do, I urge you to help me. I would really appreciate your help. Thanks.

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Multi channel order management software / system
by Seller_XFY3Eo3440fVg

Hello sellers, wondering if anyone can help or offer recommendations.

I am looking for a cost effective 3rd party software that can help me bring all my marketplaces, carriers, stock etc together. Something that can help with repricing ( not auto under cutting competitors ) but updating when we have a price increase. Stock management etc

Any recommendations? Something simple to use

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Dear Amazon,

We received the【Final Tax Liability Assessment for Unpaid UK VAT】from Amazon on 28th May this year (as you can see in the attachment), informing us that we need to pay the VAT amount to Amazon for the historical unpaid VAT: £265,818.93.

And also received the first notification from Amazon on 10th April this year: 【Action Required - Your disbursements are at risk of being temporarily held】, which mentions: "If you do not meet the establishment criteria, you will need to pay the VAT amount to Amazon for the historical unpaid VAT on all sales from 1st July 2021, which fall under the EU VAT on eCommerce legislation."

So, we would like to confirm the following questions with you:

1. Does the calculation period of this historical VAT start from 1st January, 2021? Or from 1st July, 2021?

2. Is this correct amount of VAT owed calculated until 27th May of this year?

Here to share the case ID: 9955644112

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thanks and best regards,


Addlink Technology Team

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