Hello, long story but my account was deactivated on 12/11/2024
The issue i'm facing now is that amazon have my remaining inventory on hold and they are currently unavailable for removal unless i can provide proof of purchase.
Amazon emailed me saying "In order to demonstrate the authenticity of your inventory, provide information about where you source your products that would demonstrate that they are genuine products."
In response to that email I sent them a few invoices via email (which they have responded to and released some of them from hold), however, i later sent them more invoices for the remaining inventory and they have not responded to me nor have they removed that inventory from hold.
then amazon sent me an email to "complete a virtual verification over a video interview" to "demonstrate the authenticity of your account and inventory"
i have followed the on-screen instructions in the Virtual Identity Verification Form on the email, and i'm still yet to receive any update, or be scheduled a video interview.
i brought this exact issue up to a previous amazon support agent and they said "If you couldn't complete the first interview, you'll be informed in the next days if a second interview can be scheduled. Selling Partner Support does not have any authorization about this rescheduling. Please wait to be reached by the relevant team. We appreciate your patience".
however amazon themselves just emailed me today saying "As of April 4, 2025, your inventory that’s been stored over 270 days (aged sellable inventory) or your inventory that’s been deemed unfulfillable will be removed from our fulfilment centres"".
Long story short, i'm trying to recover my inventory, amazon isn't responding to the invoices i send them, i'm unable to complete the qualtrics virtual verification amazon is asking of me because the link they sent me says 'session expired', my inventory will be disposed of on 04/04/2025, and amazon has disabled my ability to respond to cases.
can an amazon agent please respond to this discussion and assist me with this issue please, i've tried to contact you guys several times but my issue is not being understood,
i'm running out of time and i would like to have this sorted as soon as possible please.
@Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN @Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr @Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR @Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4 @Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP @Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH @Seller_sSkzzHms7Kxs6
if any of you are reading this, your help would be greatly appreciated.