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Hello Sellers,


Welcome to the Ask Amazon session on the topic of "Subscribe & Save".

Since March, Subscribe & Save has been available for all Sellers in the United Kingdom, both for Fulfilment by Amazon and Merchant Fulfilled orders.

Today, June 12th, 2024, between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. (GMT+1), you have the opportunity to ask your questions about this program. I will discuss the questions with our relevant team and provide answers.

Some queries may be more complex, and in those cases, we will submit the response by tomorrow, June 13th, 2024, at 4 p.m.


You can post any question you have regarding this topic here. However, we kindly request that you formulate only one question per post.

If one of your questions has already been asked by someone else, please give it a thumbs up, and we will ensure that the questions with the most thumbs up are prioritised.


Please note: We cannot provide legal advice or assessments regarding regulations in relation to your individual situation.

Thank you,


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Order Cancellation
by Seller_hRO7UAJDvJDwK


I had a few orders yesterday - I went to unshipped and bought the shipping. 10 minutes later I went to shipped to check my parcels that were due for delivery and one of the orders I had shipped was marked as Cancelled By Customer ordered in error.

Not being able to see a cancel order option, I refunded the shipping label and then refunded the customer.

I am not stuck with the item in unshipped and now late shipment! Going around in circles with seller support, who have told me to confirm shipment and ask the customer to reuse it or initiate a return?

Seller Support advised me I will have to make do with the late shipment on my account, and it will go away aft a period of time.

Don't suppose anyone else know what to do or if mods can help?

@Seller_iTgjdgiRqiPsn , @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH , @Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM case 9885353162 and 9888664272


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I fulfil my orders FBM and I have a high percentage of orders in Europe, it is already extremely difficult to fulfil these orders due to Brexit, IOSS and customs errors. When booking deliveries the delivery companies require me to provide the customer’s email address. In this day and age everyone communicates via email, it is even the preferred method of communication for Amazon. Amazon does not provide the customer’s email address to sellers, this is causing a lot of problems with fulfilling orders as the delivery companies need this to communicate when the order will be delivered to the customer. I have now noticed that many companies are now providing a PIN number that the customer is required to provide the delivery driver to complete the delivery. The PIN is provided via email, this means without the customer email the delivery can’t be completed. I usually provide my own email address and then communicate the information to the customer however many customer’s don’t check their Amazon messages, others don’t like opening attachments and others don’t even receive the messages at all.

With Amazon’s outdated feedback and A-Z claim policies, the unfair pricing policy and the detrimental and damaging EDD +7 account reserve policy it’s already extremely difficult to survive on this platform. Amazon already provide customer telephone numbers so why not provide the email as well? It is now vital information in these times, it always feels like Amazon want to make life difficult for us sellers. No doubt if a customer’s order is returned or a negative feedback or claim is placed by the buyer because they did not have the PIN number Amazon won’t say okay it’s not your fault, what they’ll do is smash the seller’s ODR and penalise the seller. Providing the email address is such a small thing but makes a massive difference to the seller. Here is an example of the communication from SEUR the Spanish delivery service:




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No featured offers available
by Seller_sBxp52OplDv9R

We're facing an issue where our product page shows "no featured offers available." Despite having stock, competitive pricing, and it being our own listing, Amazon isn't displaying featured offers. Is anyone else experiencing this issue?

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Rights owner claim - Banging my head against a wall!
by Seller_jKpls9pTdT4Vc

Hi all,

Hoping to see if anyone has any advice as I feel I am getting absolutely nowhere with seller support.

I started selling approximately 3 months ago and one product was from the brand Vaseline. In hindsight, I realise I had listed my products not on the parent "Vaseline" ASIN, but on a generic third party ASIN for the same product.

Within a day of listing, I received an IP complaint claiming my goods were counterfeit, from the alleged rights owner - who doesn't have a surname, a position or any other contact details other than a gmail address, and he has the audacity to complain about authenticity.

My goods are authentic and purchased from a UK based PLC with over £1bn in turnover every year. I have invoices to prove this.

This is where the problems started. The stock was moved to FC processing and held temporarily whilst I can resolve the claim. I have offered to take the stock back and even sell on another platform as a resolution, but SS are advising the only way stock can be released is if the rights "owner" retracts the IP claim.

I've emailed Sean multiple times, who has clearly no intention of responding to me, so we're no further forward. Seller Support keep following their script without using any common sense to work through a solution. I have been speaking to SS for nearly 8 weeks now but they just keep regurgitating the same responses.

My question(s):

1. Does anyone see a way forward? I've contacted the appeals team but they just say my invoices aren't a retraction from the rights owner, so they can't do anything and the stock just stays in limbo.

2. What is to stop sellers claiming to be the rights owner on basically any ASIN? Its evident (to everyone but SS I suppose) that someone with a gmail address isn't going to be the rights owner of Vaseline, but all the onus seems to be on the accused with no recourse? If this is the case, its incredibly poor on Amazon's side as I could lay claim to 50 ASINs tomorrow.

Just looking to try and get my stock back and then re-list on the correct ASIN,

Thanks for any advice.

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Hello, we have received a violation about a product we were selling on a listing, and lost 8 points, taking our AHR score to 192. Now we talked to the brand owner and he decided to remove the violation.

My question is now that when the violation is removed, will we get our points back?

Also how long does Amazon Brand Registry take to remove these kind of violations once the owner sets it in motion?

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Valid Trackin
by Seller_WDBlM63N2MqW9

Have just checked my valid tracking performance and a big drop this morning, mainly on the next/2nd days. All have valid tracking, all delviered on time. Although this has happened in the past am amazon sorted it, anybody else seen this today?

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I find it extremely concerning that if as a seller, I'm not meeting the target rate of below 5% for uploading an invoice within 24 hours of a customer payment, I am at risk of deactivation.

If this is such a sensitive metric that can lead to de-activation of an account, why isn't there a notification alert from Amazon requesting sellers to upload the invoice within 24 hours of the payment being made with the order I.D for said invoice each time? We get an email alert to respond to buyers messages within 24 hours of the buyer message for instance.

As sellers, we have a host of duties to perform. Do they expect us to check the orders page every few hours to ensure this mundane task is promptly met within a very narrow timeframe each time? This is extremely unreasonable in my humble opinion. I would like to adhere to this, however, life gets in the way, and without notification prompts, this is very difficult to adhere to ALL OF THE TIME.

Is there a way to receive an alert from Amazon each time an order is placed requiring an invoice to be uploaded?

I have auto invoices set up for all the countries where I have VAT registration, but occasionally, you get orders from other EU countries that do not have VAT registration, thus making this task difficult to adhere to without fail.

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32 units in Shipment ID: FBA15HLKCN87 went missing. I have opened a case ID: 9890535482 with purchase invoice and DPD delivery confirmation as seller support refused to investigate as the shipment was marked as "Investigation Completed – shipment contents counted and confirmed".

Please help.

@Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4 @Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR @Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM @Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK @Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH

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Overseas Postings
by Seller_zQYEhPptUDHAN
Amazon replied

Do I now have to send all overseas postings TRACKED as my VTR has plummeted overnight

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The goods that have been sent to FBA, the listing has been deleted, and I can't get it back by uploading the product. What should I do?

Before June, I added a product via Add Product via upload and shipped it to FBA.

On June 1, I used the same template to update this SKU, and error 8541 occurred. If I deleted the SKU,

and re-uploaded it two days later, error 8541 still occurred.

I asked the seller support, she told me to use the large category template Sport to upload, but error 8541 still occurred, and the seller support told me to wait for the AMAZON team to solve it.


A week later, the seller support emailed back and said that there was no error, and I used the previous Sport Goods template to upload, but error 8541 still occurred. Then I waited for the seller support team to solve it again.


Another week later, the seller support team said to use the large category template AutoAccessory to upload, but error 8541 still occurred.

. . .

Detailed error description :

Die für die SKU bereitgestellten Angaben stimmen nicht mit den Angaben im Amazon-Katalog überein. Der/die item_id Wert/e stimmt/en mit der ASIN überein B0XXXXX, aber einige Informationen stehen im Widerspruch zu den Angaben im Amazon-Katalog: product_type (Verkäufer: 'CARGO_STRAP' / Amazon: 'BICYCLE'). Wenn dies die korrekte ASIN für Ihr Produkt ist, ändern Sie bitte die Informationen, so dass sie den im Amazon-Katalog vorliegenden Werten entsprechen. Andernfalls prüfen Sie bitte, ob Ihre Wert/e für item_id korrekt ist/sind.

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