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Extending DD7 Policy Exclusion
by Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK
Amazon replied

Dear Sellers,


If you need to extend the DD7 policy exclusion until September 2025 for your Amazon seller account, please follow these steps:

1. Send an email request from your Amazon email address to

2. In the email, make sure to include your Merchant token. Your Merchant token is a unique identifier for your seller account, and it's essential to include it in the email for proper identification and processing of your request.

3. Once you've sent the email with your Merchant token, Amazon will review your request and provide further instructions or assistance as needed.

If you have any further questions or need assistance, please feel free to comment this post.

Thank you,


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Amazon! Please STOP doing this!
by Seller_ae51e0CJoHqCX

Many experienced sellers will fortunately get this email from the honest customers from time to time.

The reason a customer has sent me this is probably (yes I am only assuming) they have received a notification from Amazon since it has not received a scan at their end. For every one of these I receive, I will get 2 or 3 that will write and say that they have not received it. I therefore have no option but to refund or swallow an A-Z Claim.

Amazon know full well this is not right and yet they continue to do it. Why? Where's the benefit?

This sort of behaviour only promotes potential fraud and dishonesty. It serves no benefit to the an honest customer as shown below. It serves no benefit to Amazon. It serves no benefit to the seller (in fact it punishes the seller). It only serves benefit to someone that sees an opportunity to make a fraudulent claim that will ultimately get support from Amazon to make a false claim.

I just don't get it. Here is a copy and paste of the exact message I received just this morning from a low value order.

Hi this item has been delivered even though it is showing as lost

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Amazon believes my invoices to be manipulated
by Seller_nPJ18nh2H2Wld

Hi all and , Hoping for some real guidance here.

I have had a product authenticity complaint submitted by a customer approximately 2 months ago. I have been battling it with account health and seem to be getting nowhere.

I have submitted bank statements, tracking ID, pdf documents of conversations and emails in which the invoices were sent to myself yet I am still being rejected.

In the latest update, they are accusing me of altering invoices but will not tell me why they believe this so I can clear their concerns.

The invoices are provided by the supplier and downloaded by me to be submitted to Amazon for review. They have been sent the email in which the invoices have been sent directly to me yet they still accuse me of altering them. I have no idea where they have gotten this information from.

I have been told to either provide a 3rd (Non-existent) invoice to verify this, which i obviously cannot do, or accept the violation and lose out on selling one of my best selling products. Account health are very little help if not zero as the review team has told them that they will not disclose why they believe this to be the case.

I am unsure where to go from here.

For any Amazon staff to view please see the latest Case ID : 9960863572

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Dear Amazon,

We would like to know about the Final Tax Liability Assessment you sent us, will our frozen funds be released after payment is completed?

In other words, the historical VAT tax owed is calculated as of May 27 this year (as you can see in the screenshot below), totaling £265,818.93,

if we pay this fee, will Amazon trace back the VAT we owe from June to now and continue to freeze our funds?

Case ID: 9963155032

We are much obliged for your assistance, hope to hear from you soon.

Thanks and best regards,


Addlink Technology Team

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I haven't set up anything for VAT and don't know how to. Do I need to set up something for VAT, or does Amazon calculate it automatically during the checkout process?

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Hello friends. There was also a notification stating that we cannot verify your Amazon account history. He asked me again to update some documents. I also sent a document incorrectly. Instead of a document in my own name, I sent a document in the name of the company, that is, an Invoice. For this reason, Amazon suspended my account, saying it was fraud. It's been 20 days and it still hasn't opened. I send the documents, but they come back saying there is insufficient information. No matter what I did, it didn't work. My sales stopped. I became a victim. Not only can I not make sales, I also have expenses. How can I solve this problem?

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Invoice from Brand repeatedly rejected
by Seller_xh5nGgLkmdaka


I have been trying to get ungated for a brand for over two months now. My invoice has repeatedly been rejected with no explanation, however today I received this response:

We cannot accept this invoice because we are unable to verify the transaction with the supplier. Documents must be authentic and unaltered in order to be verified.

I purchased 10 units directly from the brand, the invoice meets all the requirements for brand approval and shows the brand's address/contact information etc. I also have authorisation from the brand to sell their products in the form of a LOA, which has also been repeatedly rejected.

I have so much stock that has been sitting in my warehouse for months and I am now looking at other options to liquidate this stock as getting brand approval seems hopeless.

Please can this be investigated?

Case ID: 9964257572

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I opened my Amazon account in June last year and have been sending all my orders via tracked service. Despite this, Amazon has performed my ID verification twice, and I've provided all necessary documentation. However, they haven't sent a single penny to my account, and my balance shows over £17K.

I've opened dozens of cases and called them 50 times. Every time, they transfer my case to Amazon UK Payments. The last response I received was on May 2nd, saying they'd update me in 15 days, but I haven't heard anything since. One Amazon representative suggested I contact the Financial Ombudsman to complain.I have tried every thing in my capicity but nothing is working.It's been a year without receiving any money, and I'm on the verge of bankruptcy with no help from Amazon. It's frustrating and suffocating. My brand is registered on Amazon, and I don't want to lose my listings. Any advice?

I have posted same post last month and some one called Spencer_Amazon replied to my thread saying they are looking into this but nothing yet.

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Multiple buying accounts
by Seller_FtADIOCxzCdVT

Am i right in saying you are only allowed one seller account per house hold but you are allowed multiple buying accounts?

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As a seller of 15 years I do get the odd request when selling toys for a EC conformity document but suddenly last night recieved 20 requirements and they are still coming in.. Why the sudfden influx? Am I alone? What I do not understand why pick on me when Amazon and other sellers are permitted to contunue selling the same toys THese are ALL already CE certified by the manufacturers on the boxes.As a sole trader obtaining all this paperwork will be nigh impossible when trying to run other aspects of my business.

Is it worth contuning to sell toys?

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I want ot close ALL my Amazon accounts in the EU but just keep my UK account open. Can this be done safely? If so how? Thanks

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