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Hello everyone,

Today I would like to draw your attention to a crucial point that can strongly impact your business: A to Z complaints can be automatically accepted in favor of the buyer when the product description is not consistent with the item actually sold. I regularly observe cases of this type and would like to share this important information with you.

Common situations:

  • The photo shows a pack of 5 products but you are selling individually
  • The title says "Pack of 3" but you are selling a single item
  • The existing ASIN says "500kg" but your product is 500g
  • The description in English says 1 item but the one in French says 2 items


  • A to Z claim automatically accepted
  • Refund imposed
  • Impact on your seller metrics


  • DO NOT sell on an existing product sheet if the characteristics do not exactly match your product.
  • Create a new product variation with the right quantity
  • Check the translation of the product sheets in all languages available for the stores in which you sell.


You are selling a toothbrush, but the existing product sheet shows a pack of 4.

  • ❌ Please avoid using this product sheet as it currently is; ensure that the product details match accurately before use.
  • ✅ Create a new variation for selling individually

⚠️ Important point:

The consistency between your offer and the product sheet is your responsibility. Amazon will systematically give the customer the right if he receives a product different from what is indicated in the product sheet.

💡 Questions to the community:

Have you ever encountered this type of situation? How did you handle it? Do you find this content useful? 👍👎

Regards, Spencer

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Have received the following ding on my metrics:

Canon SELPHY CP800 Compact Photo Printer - Black ASIN: B00400OK84

This product has been identified as not being permitted for sale on Amazon. It is your obligation to make sure the products you offer comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and Amazon’s policies.

Firstly, I haven't sold this item for well over 5 years. I never created the original listing, only sold on the listing. When I go to appeal the ding, I have 2 boxes to tick saying I've read and understood the policy, but then it forces me in addition to address why I am appealing against it's removal! Well I'm not wanting to appeal it's removal, I've no idea why it's no longer allowed on Amazon, haven't sold it for 5+ years and have no desire to list it in future (listing is removed anyway).

Can someone or a mod please advise how I am supposed to proceed with addressing this defect? Thanks.

@Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM @Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR

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Negative Feedback Query
by Seller_mC6ZST137Qot9

Hi there,

I've got a query regarding a negative feedback we have received today I wonder if any of the mods can help with this one?

Order 204-9905966-3336307

Customer opened a return request

Buyers comment states

Buyer Comment: The length is cracked into two pieces

We tried to send them a message but it doesn't give us an option to contact them.

They later opened an a-z claim and it states awaiting customer response like amazon are asking for more information before they can look into it for the customer.

And they left us negative feedback today.

I appealed the feedback removal and stated the following from case ID


Customer has opened a return request and stated the item is damaged, and also opened an a-z claim and it states awaiting customer response.

We wanted to send them a message so we can investigate the customer issue but there is no option to contact them and they have never contacted us directly nor send any proof the item has been damaged.

So I don't know what we are meant to do in this instance?

I understand the customer might be frustrated if an item has arrived damaged, however if we can't contact them how can we investigate the issue and when they haven't even contacted us how can we be found at fault for this issue?

Can someone please help us with this.

Many thanks


We are obviously willing to address the customers issue but if we cannot contact them I don't know what we are meant to do.

Amazon typically as always when we explained the above on the feedback removal just sent through a generic response.

Moderators - Please could any one of you kindly assist to escalate this case for further review? Thank you @Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN @Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM @Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr @Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR@Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4 @Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH

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A seller is piggybacking on some of my listings on the EU marketplaces (not on UK).

I am the owner of the brand and the brand is registered on Amazon. I also own the UK trademark for the brand.

The seller is obviously offering a similar product (but not identical) on my listings.

I tried reporting a trademark infringement on Amazon DE but it was refused because my trademark is only registered in the UK.

How do I get Amazon to remove this seller from my listings?

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Amazon not Replying to my Email
by Seller_sAZv4lW1aF1o6

Hi Everyone,

My account got deactivated for violation of intellectual property, the listing that caused deactivation was already removed by me before deactivation without receiving any warning from Amazon but still my account got deactivated. I appealed and it got rejected, then I re-appealed second time but since then Amazon is not replying. its more than a month now. What should i do? Pls help


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Now every case goes to "Live Support" so you cannot email them anymore!!

The operators on the Live Support know even less than those on email.

@Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP @Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN is this how Management improves things? By making it worse?

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Adding a product error
by Seller_KlbXZHzQGSDZv
Amazon replied

"The value 'varied' specified cannot be used as it conflicts with the value 'Assorted' for ASIN Z in the Amazon catalogue. If this is ASIN 'B0DD1PTZ8C', update the value to match the ASIN data. If this is a different product, update identifying information (UPC/EAN/Part Number/etc)"

Tried listing via the products upc/ean but no product found and yet when going through adding alll the essential bits like the pics etc go to submit and this error comes up

You run a search on the asin and a load of flour items come up.

How can it clash with a upc/ean when i have searched tried to list via that function and no items come up?

@Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN @Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM @Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr @Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR @Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4 @Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH

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Hi All.. We send every item first class through Click and drop, a tracking number is automatically uploaded from click and drop on every single order without exception.

Despite this our tracking rate is currently hovering around 60%, presumably this means the posties aren't scanning the items on delivery despite the fact we are paying for this service.

Does anyone else have the same issue or any ideas how to deal with this.?

We are currently considering changing to seller fulfilled prime using Royal Mail tracked 24 but are worried this will impact our prime status if the non-scanning of deliveries continues

Thanks for any input or ideas.

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Hi all,

I have been going at this for like 3 weeks now. We are a real company that manufactures a real product with 1.5 million USD in sales, on Amazon, last year in the US.

We set up our European accounts in anticipation of expansion into Europe. We set them up a year ago but haven't sent in product yet due to how busy we are in other markets.

The primary case on this matter is 10769852812

Amazon informs us that our compliance documents are deficient and missing a number of elements. For instance, that our documents do not state the material our product is made of. It clearly lists the type of plastic our product is made of.... and why they cannot acknowledge this makes no sense.

We are actually being told that 8 specific elements are missing. So, in our chat a few days ago, I made the support guy, in live chat, go through each element with me, and I pointed out where it is found in the document, and also provided screenshots of each instance to be certain it was impossible to miss. I thought that would have been the interaction to finally clear this all up.

It wasn't..... They just replied with the exact same message as they do each time... listing the same elements that they claim are not present.

For what it's worth, we are an experienced company, with all of the product testing required throughout North America and Europe. We have been manufacturing this exact product now for 14 years.

It has been impossible to speak with anyone beyond the basic support agent. I cannot get transferred to a higher level or to anyone in the "internal team". It is making me feel crazy.... what am I missing? Amazon is making no effort to explain anything outside of simply providing the list of missing elements. This is either extreme incompetence on Amazon's end, or extreme stupidity on my end. Please someone help me sort out which.

@Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM @Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR @Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN @Seller_Udi0JNbTrsmUV @Seller_ZyGdB49sb7An4 @Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP @Seller_j9Bd91CW3ZVpr

PS I really hate having to come into the forums and tag each mod like some sort of madman. You would think Amazon would have a better system for resolution, particularly for a seller doing more than a million USD in Amazon sales annually.

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these are the case numbers please review this immediately and fix my suppression immediately this is unacceptable

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Food Supplements Listing
by Seller_XV6T11Phm9IGh

We are a startup based in the UK dealing with Food supplements , we have tried multiple time for the past 4 weeks to list our products which are multivitamins for eyes and gut health supplements for Kids.

Our listings are constantly being rejected and no proper resolution, despite having all proper documentations.

Do anyone have any experience recently with this category.

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