Hello everyone,
Keyword optimisation is crucial for your products' visibility on Amazon. Here are some helpful tips on this topic:
1. Amazon-specific keywords • Strategies that work for Google aren't necessarily suited for Amazon
Concrete example:
On Google: "how to choose a coffee machine"
On Amazon: "De'Longhi automatic coffee machine"
Tip: use Amazon's auto-suggestion feature. Type "coffee" and note the suggestions - this is what your customers are actually searching for
2. Relevance above all • Choose keywords that truly match your product listing. Avoid irrelevant or subjective keywords, even if they have high search volumes. Focus instead on search terms that exactly match your target customers' demand and needs to increase your relevance.
For a Moka pot:
✓ Relevant: "stovetop espresso maker 6 cup", "moka express aluminium", "gas hob coffee maker"
× Avoid: "best coffee maker in the world", "cheap coffee maker", "coffee machine" (if you're selling a moka pot)
Product title requirements and guidelines
3. Strategic keyword placement • There's no need to insert the same keywords multiple times. The most important keywords should already appear in the title, while other keywords can be integrated into the product description.
✓ Example: "Bialetti Moka Express 6 Cup Stovetop Coffee Maker Aluminium Gas Hob Compatible"
× Avoid: "Coffee Maker Bialetti Coffee Pot Moka Coffee Maker 6 Cup Express" (unnecessary repetitions that waste available space)
4. Search Terms • Additional keywords, which customers don't see, can be placed in search terms. Ensure you don't exceed the maximum of 250 bytes. To best use the byte count, you can avoid punctuation and filler words.
✓ Example: "moka pot stovetop espresso maker strong coffee morning breakfast 6 cup aluminium"
× Avoid: "The best stovetop coffee maker, for making good coffee, ideal for mornings" (articles, punctuation and complete phrases waste space)
Use search terms effectively
5. Monitoring and optimisation • Regularly check your keywords' performance and replace them with new ones if necessary, in case they're not performing well.
Evolution example:
- Month 1: "stovetop coffee maker" → Result: many clicks but few sales
- Month 2: "induction stovetop coffee maker" → Result: fewer clicks but better conversion rate
Questions for the community:
- Do you use specific tools for your keyword research?
- What optimisation frequency do you find most effective?
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Regards, Ezra!