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Hello Sellers!

As you may be aware, Amazon’s Prime Day event is back on July 16 and 17.

As we gear up for the Prime Day event, it's essential that your business is fully prepared to make the most of this high-traffic sales period. To help you out, we've put together a comprehensive checklist to guide you through the key steps to getting your operations ready:

Inventory Management

  • Analyse your current inventory levels and forecast future demand to avoid stockouts.
  • Optimise your stock and minimise the risk of overselling.
  • Properly labeland organise your products for efficient fulfilment during the high-volume event.

Pricing and Promotions

  • Review your pricing strategy and consider implementing dynamic pricing or strategic discounts.
  • Leverage Amazon's promotional features, such as Lightning Deals and Vouchers, to increase visibility and drive sales.
  • Ensure your pricing and promotions align with Amazon's policies to provide a seamless customer experience.

Advertising and Marketing

  • Enhance your product listings with compelling content and eye-catching visuals to stand out.
  • Utilise Amazon's advertising solutions, like Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands, to boost product discoverability.
  • Plan your marketing campaigns in advance to create a cohesive and impactful Prime Day strategy.

Customer Service Readiness

  • Assess your customer service processes and ensure you have the resources to handle increased order volumes.
  • Familiarise yourself with Amazon's customer service policies and guidelines to provide the best possible support.
  • Consider offering enhanced customer service options, such as extended hours or expedited response times, to delight your customers.


  • Optimise product listings (titles, bullets, descriptions, images) for visibility and conversions
  • Review historical Prime Day performance data to improve strategies
  • Test inventory management, ordering, and shipping processes for increased volume
  • Plan for post-Prime Day influx of inquiries, returns, and reviews

By following this checklist, you'll be well on your way to a successful Prime Day. Let us know what else is on the preparation checklist for your business!

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We sell lots of Genuine Philips parts on Amazon and recently had to file documents and evidence to be able to continue to sell these products due to Philips now supplying Transparency codes. We fully support this as it guarantees the customer receive a genuine part.

The issue with Amazon is it is near impossible to upload the data, we have been collecting the image files however there is nowhere to add this if you use Click and drop. It seems to be another con by Amazon to keep third party sellers out of the buy box. All we can do if feed this information back to the westminster lobby group whom can add this as another unfair process.

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restricted policy violation deactivated account
by Seller_2i7OXWf1OkiL7

my account recently got deactivated due to amazon saying i had to delete a listing which did not comply with their policies. i deleted this and completed all actions. 5 months later my account gets deactivated for the same listing i deleted and no longer had.

i was also informed due to me following amazons recommendations my account had "no impact" for this violation but 5 months later here i am with a deactivated account.

every time i appeal i get a generic response and getting no where.

i have submitted a plan of action, again getting no where.


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Can i sell in Amazon UAE using amazon UK account
by Seller_xo98G9S3pvGat

I have amazon UK account and would like to sell in amazon UAE and I can ship my items to amazon FBA centers in UAE as well, so do i need to open a new account for amazon UAE or can I do international option, if so can I ship my items to Amazon FBA UAE centers as well, how do i do it

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OTP issues again!
by Seller_QIfMqKDNjs4wc


Has anyone else had a problem again with receiving OTP's by text when trying to log in to Amazon Seller Central ?

This happened about 10 months ago for many sellers but was fixed eventually, but is happening to us again - we use 2 different mobiles and neither receives the OTP.

There is no error message as there was last time - just the OTP is not sent/received.

We do use an authenticator app as a last resort now, so can still access the account - but need to access the account from different computers/phones during the day, so it is much easier to have the text OTP option as well.

Would @Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM be able to look into this for us please?

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FBA starter question
by Seller_zEMyxl09ffL1x

I am an FBM seller with decades of experience but am fed up with Royal Mail "losing" inventory or delivering late or not at all.

Therefore we have decided to go to the dark side ,FBA.

I have been looking at Seller University videos and reading as much as I can but there doesn't seem to be much guidance on how much inventory to send. Mine is simple, a small range of SKUs which can be boxed up easily to be sent in small boxes to Fulfilment centre.

By my reckoning sending a month's worth of product would seem a reasonable amount to send to FBA, is this right - too much or too little?

Any experienced answers appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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postage for FBM
by Seller_mKVOdgndHftAN

what is the best and cheap postage service for 2 to 5 Kg. because royal mail charging too much and there is nothing you can make in item. so please what are the affordable cost for domestic postage. that you can save something from postage.

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Last week a customer ordered 3x1 item, a few days later it said:

Refunds total: -£139.47

The item never arrived

I contacted amz and received:

Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

I understand you have contacted us regarding if your order will not be returned.

Kindly note that as per Amazon policy, a refund is a customer credit for all or part of the cost of a bought item. In some cases, we issue customers a "returnless refund". In other words, they are not required to send the item back to the fulfilment centre. This means they are not required to return the item. Some items that are not eligible for return may be eligible for a refund.

In your case, your product will not be returned to the inventory, it was a returnless refund and you will not be reimbursed for it.

Then to my amazement I just received this for a completely different item/ASIN :

Refunds total: -£148.89

Return not expected

Seller central just copy and paste the same reply

I can not afford to give away £300 worth of stock in 1 day

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by Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH
Amazon replied

The European Championships have hit the quarter-finals, and it's set to be proper lively, do we have any bold predictions? You think Mr. Southgate will get us through to the semis? Let's hear your respectful thoughts about The Beautiful Game!

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Buy Shipping and More Amazon A-Z ODR's affected
by Seller_uBuqlxbTdzcn2

Hi Mods

I have commented on a previous thread of mine tagging @Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEKbut with no response, I now have a further 2 A-Z where the ODR is against me and the shipping was purchased via Amazon Buy Shipping, even though it is more expensive than my business account, I have purchased this way to protect my ODR.

Can you please look into the following order numbers and reverse the ODR in accordance with the Amazon Terms and Conditions when buying shipping. The money has been refunded from my account and the ODR is against me. This is wrong and I really don't understand that when it is so clear the ODR is protected, that each time it is against me. I have appealed all of them, the first one came back unchanged, the bottom 2 I have only just appealed but I know from previous that they will both come back unchanged. Why can't Amazon just adhere to their own T&C instead of causing us all more work and time.




I sell on other platforms, a lot more quantities than I do on Amazon, all are sent first class yet the other platforms don't have this none arrival rate at all so I believe it is customers playing the system knowing they can just click the A-Z and get their money back, especially when they receive "running late/lost" message as I also have a few Amazon customers contact me saying it's not lost it's arrived. Surely after all this time this really needs looking into. I have sold on Amazon for over 20 years and it has got so much worse lately. I can't believe that it is only the Amazon items not arriving and all the other items from all the other platforms are all arriving safely. So frustrating.

Please help @Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4@Seller_iTgjdgiRqiPsn

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by Seller_0nN9nVUGzm50l

Hi I have been selling product's for for over a year and a week ago i got an email saying 8 of my products have been been made inactive i need to add barcodes etc I have done this about 10 times and they have been no help the latest email to amazon reply was as below but they never accept my barcode these are direct from the manufacturer so are correct.

Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,​

We have reviewed your email and understand that your issue is regarding inactive listing of the ASINs. We will check and help you with this.

Upon checking, we found that As our catalogue grows, we continuously make new determinations for which products should be restricted based on a number of factors. Even if you were selling your product before, you may be subject to new restrictions for the following reasons:

1. We have placed new restrictions on existing products that either require you to qualify or we may not be accepting applications currently. If your account becomes eligible to sell this product, you will see “Apply to sell” next to the product in the “Add a Product” feature in Seller Central.

2. You have received a performance notification related to your product and are required to provide additional information before you can sell it again. You can view these notifications through your performance notifications or your Account Health page.

To obtain additional information, please follow these steps:

1. Go to ‘Catalogue’ on Seller Central

2. Click Add a Product, search by ASIN

3. Apply to sell

You can click on below link to check with the add a product tool and request to apply for sell the products:

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