Can any booksellers help me here ? I have tried the usual Amazon case route but so far it has been quite hopeless.
I was trying to list a book as 'add a new product' The search of both title and ISBN brought up no results so I went through the tedious, infinitely long and convoluted process of starting from scratch. But when i got to the end it did not go live. The listing is marked as 'incomplete'. This is the error message. Does anyone know what to do ?
You may not change the brand name on this ASIN. Use the brand name currently shown on the ASIN detail page. If you believe you are using the correct brand name, contact Selling Partner Support and mention the error code 5995.
You are receiving this error as you may be adding Offer-Listing(s) or editing a SKU not present in your catalogue or one that’s been deleted. If this was a deleted SKU, wait 24 hours before resubmitting it. If you have tried to add this SKU to the Amazon catalogue before, check your data and correct any errors before resubmitting. If product is being added to a store from another one, it may require few hours for localisation before it is valid, please check your seller account for progress or any issues.
The book is Hess, the missing years by David Irving. He has had, shall we say, an 'interesting' career. A lot of publishers did not want to bbe associated with him so he set up his own publishing house. He now sells this book from there with the same ISBN, as far as I can find out. I wonder if this could be the problem ?
Amazon keeps asking me for screenshots of the problem. I cant get that to work, and even copy and paste of the exactly the same thing does not satisfy them. And they closed my case because i did not answer them back with 'more details' ( which I dont have ) at 5 am